Stares and Glares

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Audrey's POV

I walked into the school with Angie by my side going on about something to do with her hate for forks. She could be very strange sometimes.

"I just don't get them." she talked. "They are just so unecessary. We already have spoons and they work with everything. I just don't get it."

"I know you don't get forks." I added not really paying attention to what she was saying.

"What are they?" she continued "are they spoons with pointy ends that people can hurt others with? I just hate forks the are just not needed!"

"But forks help with things as well." 

"Like what?" she asked, "injuring people! Forks basically are weapons! People can choke, get poked by the ends, a fork can land in someone's foot. There are so many violent things that people can do with forks. And none to do with spoons. Just face is Audrey forks are not needed in this world."

As we walked I noticed Princeton at his locker surrounded by a whole bunch of people. He looked in my direction and I ignored him and kept on walking. I now loved how he was finally leaving me alone. I continued my conversation with Angie.

"Okay, okay." I surrendered. "Forks are unecessary." As we continued to walk I noticed that I was receiving a whole lot of stares from people who were walking past me. I noticed that people were now talking to each other and looking in my direction, but when I looked in their direction they would look as if nothing was happening. Did I miss something. "Ang, why are people staring at me?" I asked when we reached locker.

"I don't know." Angie said as she looked around. "But I think Yaz and Lo might." she pointed in the direction of Yazmine and Lo who were walking in our direction pretty fast.

"What's up?" I casually asked the two of them when the reached us.

"Have you seen the message yet?" Lo asked quickly. "And nothing much."

I exchanged a look with Angie. "What message?" what was she talking about. Was it like a good message or a bad one? Judging by the way she said it, it didn't sound to good.

Yazmine and Lo looked at each other in worry. Yazmine took out her phone and handed it to me. 

I read the text message.

So over Audrey. Never even liked her more. of an experiment i guess. she is such a bummer. Worst person i've ever met. And i've met a lot of bad people. From Princeton.

"Let me see Audrey." Angie winned. I handed her the phone.

Was that what he really thought of me? Worst person he'd ever met! I was more of an experiment? Of what. And was I a bummer now yet he wanted to spent alone time with me. I looked around to see Princeton with his 'possie'. He saw me and I felt tears come to my eyes. He stopped mucking around looked like actually cared about me. That was probably fake as well as his personality. I slammed my locker and went straight maths class with my bag and and books. 

What had I ever done to him? It's only my second day here and already I'm the worst person someone's ever met. He was the one who caused all of this. He's the one who got everyone to know who I was. I never asked for this. or HIM!! I whipped all the tears from my eyes as i walked. I ignored all the stares and whispers. I just wished it was a dream.

I felt an arm go on my shoulder. What did he want now?! I had nothing to say to him. "Look Princeton I honestly don't-" I turned around and to my surprise I saw Leo smiling down at me.

"It's okay," He comforted. I immediately rushed to give him a hug. He held me tight and I felt so secure. "I've got you now."

I closed my eyes and smiled. "Thanks."

We continued to walk slowly toward my maths class since it was on the way to his English class.

"Do you wanna talk about it or not." He asked with his arm around my waist and my head on his shoulder. 

"Can we please talk about something else." I said quietly. "The last thing I want to do is talk about that afroed air head."

"So what do you wanna do after school?" 

I then remembered we were gonna hang out after school. A wave of excitement come over me and I smiled happily. "I don't know. Surprise me."

"How about we see a movie?" he suggested. "Then we get some lunch you know cause people need lunch." I giggled a bit.

"Yeah I know how people need lunch."

"Then we can just walk around and get to know each other, well more."

I smiled and we finally reached maths class. "I would like that." I said happily. 

He took my hands and he smiled. He looked into my eyes and I did the same to him. Next thing I knew our lips were placed firmly on each others. We moved away from each other and he waved goodbye and headed for his English class. I couldn't help but smile. 

Did Leo and I just kiss? OMG we just kissed. I contained my excitement seeing as I was still in school. I opened the door to the maths room and sat at the back and waited for everyone else to show up.

Suddenly the door burst open and Angie came running to me. "I saw you and Leo kiss!" she quickly sat in the seat next to me and we discussed it. Afew minutes later a group of people all walked in and I recognised the afroed guy with his trademark glasses. He glared at me as if i'd done something to offened him. What did I do to him now?! This guy gets ticked off about everything honestly.

"I guess I wasn't the only one who saw you and Leo kiss." Angie said when she saw Princeton's glare at me.

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean," Angie said as if I was missing something really obvious. "Princeton saw the kiss between Leo and you."

"That is crazy." I said in disbelief. "Why would he care."

"I saw him watching you leave your locker before." she pointed out. "I also saw him watching you 2 kissing."

"He was probably watching someone else." 

"And he does hate Leo's guts."

"Princeton doesn't care about me okay Ang," I said in annoyance. "So can we just drop the subject."

"Okay, sorry." She appologised. "I was just saying-"

"It's alright." I said smiling. "And I love you for saying it, it's just that it's not the case right now." I gave her a hug then the actual maths class started.

Hey guys, thanks for reading.

btw: Im writing the fanfic as i got so i have nothin planned so if you guys have an idea on where this story should go, if i should a character, what should happen next or any suggestions plz either inbox me or put it in the comments. It I like it I might dedicate a chapter to you. 

Thanx you guys LUV YAZ ALL

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