Why do I not like Princeton (Angie's POV)

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Angie's POV

When the bell rang for the end of school I rushed to find Audrey. I finally found her walking to her locker with some girls. I caught up her. 

"Audrey are we going to your place or mine?" I casually asked. The 2 girls gave me a strange look.

"Actually, Brook and Charlotte wanted to go to the mall with me after school." Audrey said cheerfully.

I removed my smile. "Oh..... okay." I turned around but Audrey stopped me.

"Ang, you can come too."

"No it's alright," I fake smiled. "you go I have to do some stuff anyway." I put my hands in my pocket and went to my locker. I so had no stuff to do.

Was Audrey just blowing me off because I was no longer cool enough to be with her? Since she started dating Princeton she has suddenly gotten very popular. She even had her own possie. I closed my locker and I noticed Princeton was coming my way. I rolled my eyes and started walking in the other direction.

"Ang!" He shouted after me but I ignored him. "Angie hold up!" He caught up with me.

"What is it?" I hissed continuing walking.

"Have you seen...." He stopped himself from continuing. "Why do you hate me so much?"

"Not everybody has to like you!"

"Yeah, but if if people hate me don't I deserve to know why?" He pointed out.

I remained silent.

He looked at me for a while.


"Aren't you going to tell me why you hate me?"

"Fine," I gave in. I stopped walking and faced him. "because your an annoying, full of himself, inconsiderate jerk!"

He looked at me in confusion. "Have I done something to you Angie?"

"No I just don't like you!" I continued walking.

"You can't hate someone for no apparent reason!"

"Yes I can because that someone is you!" I snapped. I began to walk away and I headed home

Today I decided to take my small car since I had gotten my licence this year. I drove home and when I arrived home I went straight to my room. When I started to think about it, I had no idea why I didn't like Princeton. I guess he just got on my nerve at times. I looked at my phone. For some reason Princeton had managed to get his phone number into my contacts. I felt bad for snapping at him.

Princeton soz for getting angry at you. guess I was just mad. Just felt bad for taking it out on you. Angie :(

I sent the message to him and decided to take a short nap before my parents got home.

 Hi guys If you want to see Angies Outfit got to


BTW I know chapter was kind of short. but you guys arent giving me much inspiration with your non commenting but it's okay the chapters will start getting a little longer so calm the farms. :D


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