Bye Audrey :(

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Princeton's POV

I quickly caught up with Audrey and took her hand.

"I'm gonna miss you." I stated starting up conversation.

"Please don't," she smiled. I gave her a confused look and smiled.

"Don't what?" I chuckled.

"Make me get all sad," she mumbled "and then cry."

"But it's true I will miss you."

"I'll miss you too Prince." she gave me a short hug and we walked to her house.

Now that I actually thought about it I was really going to miss Audrey. I was going to miss her beautiful face, her funny personality, her braking up all the fights I got in. I really cared about Audrey, and before when we got into that fight a while ago, I honestly felt bad about what I had done. I didn't know what I was thinking. She was different to other girls. She didn't fall for me as quickly as other girls and as quickly as I had wanted which was what ticked me off the most. Like how could she not like me, I'm ME. But the fact that she had no interest in me at all made me so crazy about her. Now that I was going, Leo could easily come in and take her from me. LEO, even his name annoyed me. If he thinks even for a moment that he can have Audrey, he better think again because I will return and come back for Audrey. I WILL!

"Princeton!" Audrey snapped me out of my thoughts "Are you okay?" she put her hand on my shoulder. I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm cool."

She smiled and she opened the door to her house.

"Audrey is that you sweetie?" Audrey's mum shouted from the kitchen.

"Yeah mum it's me." She shouted before she dragged me up the stairs to her room quickly. I knew exactly why she rushed to get me to her room. I smirked evily

"That is so not the reason I brought you up here Prince!" she said as if she knew what I was thinking. "Sometimes you have the dirtiest mind ever."

I laughed. "That's not what I was thinking Audrey." I half lied. I was thinking that at first then I knew why. She raised an eyebrow. "I actually wanted to hear what your mother was going to say." I said attemting to change the subject.

"My mum is crazy," she giggled "but I love her."

She sat on her bed and got her laptop out. She motioned for me to sit next to her and I did so.

"What time do you leave again?" she asked as she put her laptop password in. I was about to respond when she stopped me. "Did you see my password?"

"Nope," I lied. Her password was Danielle. Who was Danielle? "Is your middle name Danielle?" I asked casually.

"Ye-" she started when realisation hit her "How did you-You saw my password!" she hit my arm. I laughed and she giggled. "You are so annoying."

"You are so cute." She rolled her eyes at me and continued what she was doing on her laptop. "What are you doing?"

"Online shopping." she replied eyes glued to her screen.

"For what?" I chuckled.

"My birthday outfit of course."

"Why don't you just go to the mall and get your birthday outfit?" I suggested.

"I want to go with my sister when she comes."

"Tell me about your sister, Carlie."

She jumped in excitement. "My sister Carlie's the best!" she giggled "She's super funny, I love the way she dresses."

It's Just Me and You (Princeton Mindless Behavior)Where stories live. Discover now