I'm Gonna Help Audrey Through It (Audrey and Angie's POV)

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Audrey's POV

I layed in my bed with only 1 thing on my mind. Princeton. It's been 3 days since Princeton's gone. I've been alright so far.We have been texting each other, calling each other, chatting on skype and online.  He really has been it work. I'm impressed. I got myself out of my bed and decided I would go to the mall. I didn't go to school today, because my mum said I had to prepare for Carlie's visit tomorrow. I honestly didn't want to go to school, because everyone at school has been surrounding me and not leaving me alone. Wouldn't they think I would want to be alone after my BF left for however long? Not just that, personal space! I ran downstairs hoping my mum wouldn't see me. I slowly opened my door when

"Audrey where are you going!" My mum shouted. How could she have known I was leaving. I swore quietly. "Watch your language child!" Okay, how on earth would she have been able to hear that. I slowly turned around. Now it made sense. She was standing on the stairs behind me. I sighed.

"I just want to go to the mall mum." I said with attitude.

"With who?"

I honestly just wanted to leave this house.

"Am I supposed to go with someone!"

"I just wanted to know." She said in annoyance.

"Well now you do so can just leave this place!" I shouted.

"What are you so angry about?" she snapped.

"Can I just leave!"

"No," you could hear the approaching anger in her voice. "If your so angry for no reason, you don't have to go to the mall!"

"What did I do to you!"

"What did I do to You!" she shouted.

"Urghh I'm leaving now!" I said in frustration. I put my hand on the door.

"Audrey, if you leave this house....." she raised her eyebrow. The last time those words came from her mouth I missed out on the thing I looked forward to the most, which was Angie's birthday party. At that time she was my bestfriend and to miss your bestfriends party would have sucked. Which it did. I removed my hand from the door and grumbled upstairs. I just wanted to get away!

I jumped onto my bed and layed there for about 2 minutes. Why was I so pissed? I had almost no reason to have been so rude to my mother. I probably should have been nicer to her and I would have been out the door by now. I heard a knock at the door.


"Yes Mum!" I replied "You can come in."

She slowly opened the door. "You're not gonna throw something at me are you?"I laughed and she opened the door with a big smile. "Are you okay darling?"

I nodded "Yeah I'm fine."

"Good," she laughed "If you still want to go you can."

"Are you sure?" I asked wondering if she was okay with it.

She nodded and she quickly left. "Make sure you have your phone okay! Just incase you want me to get you!"


I ran downstairs. "Mum can you drive me there?"

I heard no response. "MUM?" Where was she? I noticed that the door was open and I looked out side.

"Audrey come on!"

I smiled when I saw her in the car ready to go. I ran in and we were on our way. Afew minutes later I was already walking around in the mall. I decided to go get myself some food. I was really hungry. I sat in my seat eating a burger while I played some game on my phone.

It's Just Me and You (Princeton Mindless Behavior)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant