Day 1 until Princeton goes

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Audrey's Outfit

Audrey's POV

I woke up to the sounds of my alarm. I sat up and got out of bed. I began my daily morning routine. Brush my teeth, take a shower, get dressed and go down and have breakfast. Today I felt very casual so I wore my red jeans, my cute pink beanie, some colourful bracelets, my sunglasses, a moustache shirt/jacket and some pink flats. I walked into the kitchen and a sensational smell filled my nose.

"Is that the smell of pancakes!" I asked my mum rushing to sit on the large table we had in the middle of our kitchen.

"You, bet and some hot coco!" My mum replied as she places a plate and a cup in front of me filled with pancakes and hot coco. I did a little happy dance in my seat. My mother makes the best breakfast foods when she chooses to. I thanked my mum and began eating.

"So do you want me to take you to school today?" my mum asked from the kitchen bench.

"Princeton said he was going to walk with me today, but thanks."

"What happened to Leo?" she asked raising an eyebrow.

"We broke up yesterday," I said casually "It was a matter of trust I guess."

"Oh thank god." My mum said in relief. I gave her a surprised look "You and Princeton seem way better."I was truly surprised. "I know you and him are going out now though right."

"Yup......" I said in surprise.

The door bell rang and I quickly went to the door. I opened the door and to my unpleasant surprise Leo was the person I saw.

"Can I help you?" I asked unhappily.

"Audrey what happened last night was-"

"Audrey you forgot you bag hun." My mum interrupted. She came to the door and she immediately frowned. She turned to me and whispered "Do you want me to get rid of him?"

"No thank you mum."

"Are you sure because I can play like good cop bad-"

"Mum I got it."

She put her hands up in defence and she glared at Leo. She walked into the kitchen but I knew she was still listening to this conversation. I turned to face Leo.

"What happened last night was a total mistake." He explained. "I guess I was just jealous of how much time you and Princeton were having."

"Well it's too late-"

"I came here to say I'm sorry and I miss you Audrey." He pleaded "Please take me back."

"I can't-"

"Audrey please." He got down on his knees and took my hands. "If you give me another chance I promise you nothing like that will ever happen. I will do anything I can to keep you happy."

"I would it's just-"

My mum suddenly became part of the conversation. "She feels like she can't trust you because you couldn't her so it's over."

"MUM!" I shouted gesturing for her to leave. She put her hands up in defence and walked towards the stairs.

"Audrey is that really what you think?" Leo began to stand up.

"And there's more!" Mum interrupted AGAIN

"MUM!" I shouted but she ignored me.

"Yesterday during the party she and Princeton became a thing." I slapped my forehead. "So everything you've just said was basically-"

"MUM THANK YOU!" I shouted in annoyance. She walked towards the stairs. I made sure she was gone before I continued the conversation. "Leo-"

"No it's cool." He said with a disappointed smile. "If it doesn't work out, I'm just a phone call away." He smiled and he began to leave. He was still so nice. I closed the door and when I turned around there was a knock at the door.

"Auudreey!" A voice sounded. I smiled and opened the door.

"Priincetoon!" I shouted back at him.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Hi Princeton." My mum shouted as she walked down the stairs. And SHE was back. I rolled my eyes.

"Hi Mrs Andrews." Princeton laughed at my reaction to her arrival. "How are you today?"

"Im great thank you," She came to the door.

"Lets go before she says anymore." I said in a hurry. I took Princeton's arm and headed out the door.

But Princeton who was quite amused decided not to move. I turned around standing next to Princeton and rolled my eyes.

"You know Leo stopped by just a while ago." My mum unnecessarily said.

"Thank you mother." I said through clenched teeth.

"Oh did he now?" Princeton gave me a smirk.

"Yeah he came wanting to take Audrey-"

"Bye mum see you later." I took hold of Princeton and pulled him away from my house.

"Your mum is very welcoming." He pointed out. He took my hand and we walked to school.

"Don't get me started." I giggled.

"So why was Leo here?"

"He came wanting to take me back." I said casually. I felt his hand get tense. "But it's okay, you don't have to worry, it's all taken care of." I assured him.

"Doesn't he just get it's all over?"

"You really don't like him do you?" I asked slightly amused. "Why?"

"He's just....." I could tell he was trying to think of the right word to describe him, i could also tell he was struggling to think fo the right 1. "he just annoys me."

I laughed at his response. "Whats so funny?" he asked happily.

"You." I giggled.

"Thanks babe," He said sarcastically which made me laugh even more.

"You just seem so funny when you're annoyed and angry." I laughed.

"Well you seem so funny when you're mum embarrases you." he poked his tongue out at me.

"Not funny." I tried to stop laughing.

"I know you, you know that's a little bit funny."

"I don't find it funny." I resisted laughing.

"Yes you do, oh yes you do wittle waudrey." He said as if I were a little child.

"I don't Prince." I covered my mouth to hide any chance of him thinking I did.

He started to make funny faces at me and I couldn't hold my laughter in. I started to run away from him to him my laughter.

"Are you running away because you want to laugh?" He chased after me and caught me. "Are you Audrey?"

I shook my head but I couldn't take it anymore that I laughed. A big smirk came onto his face and I laughed even more. Afew minutes later both of us stopped laughing and we continued walking to school.

When we arrived at school we only had 5 minutes until the bell rang. I gave Princeton a goodbye kiss and ran to my locker. I had Science again and I didn't want to be late due to the teacher. I got my things then I remembered Prince and I had the same class. I went to his locker but it seemed we both had the same idea. We met half way (i know cheesy) and we we headed for the science room. When we found our seats the bell rang so we weren't exactly late. Phew.

Science class was fun. The class itself wasn't the highlight of science class but I got to meet a whole lot of people. Drew introduced me to some of his friends and I got to meet some more of Princetons funny friends.

"Audrey you've got to hang out with us at lunch." Brooke said to me. Brooke had dark brown hair with light highlights.

Brooke's outfit

"You are so funny," Charlotte said enthusiastically."Besides, lover boy over here hasn't stopped talking about you since you guys met." She had dark curly dark hair.

Charlotte's outfit

"Excuse me!" The teacher Miss Collins said sternly. "Science class isn't for chatting away with your friends!"

"Yes Miss Collins." We all replied. She began to walk away slowly.

"I swear if I got payed for everytime I heard her say that I would be-"

"Miss Andrews!" Miss Collins snapped "I thought I made it very clear that this class isn't for socialising! Next time it's a detention."

"Okay..." I responded not entirely caring. I turned to Charlotte "This teacher always gives detentions out all over the place." I whispered hoping the teacher wouldn't hear.

"Brooke told me, she gave some kid 2 full weeks detention for talking in class."

"Miss Andrews and Miss Green detention at lunch!" the teacher shouted with her back faced to us.

"How did she know it was you?" Princeton whispered to Charlotte.

"Mr Perez I think you will join them as well."

"Miss Collins is the worst." Drew whispered to Brooke.

"Mr Taylor and Miss Veldez I you 2 as well!"

"But I didn't say anything!" Brooke retaliated. "That is so not fair!"

"You have now," Miss Collins replied cruely "even so, you back chatted. Anybody else want a detention?"

The room went silent. She was the meanest teacher at the school. The rest of the class became boring. Anyone who said a word straight away got a detention. At the end of the class I had a detiontion for the next 2 days and so did Prince, Brooke, Charlotte and Drew. We might as well start a detention club.

Hey everyone, just wanted to say:

Thanks for reading my fanfic. It's nice to get all those awesome votes from you guys. You guys are the best. BTW pleeeeeese comment. I want to know what everbody thinks. If it sucks, or if it's the best. I just want a little bit of feed back. PLEASE COMMENT! If almost everyone who reads this story comments I would be the happiest person ever it would mean a lot. Even just 1 comment would be nice. Anyways THANKS FOR READING I'LL KEEP UPDATING WHEN EVER I CAN JUST KEEP THE READING, VOTES, (SOON TO BE) COMMENTS COMING


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