Princeton's Last School Day

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Audrey's Look

Audrey's POV

Today was the day. Princeton was leaving. I honestly didn't want to get out of bed. Why did it have to be today and not in...... 2 years. I dragged myself out of bed and went to take a shower. After I took a nice 10 minute shower I went and got dressed. I picked out what I was going to wear, and I felt like wearing purple and black. I went downstairs and made myself breakfast. My mum was probably at work right now. She was my source of transport today, and since Angie couldn't drive me (because we were in a fight), I was probably going to walk to school. I groaned and ate my corn flakes unhappily. Once I had finished eating I took my bag from the couch where I had dumped it and made sure everything was in it.

My wallet for lunch, check. My extra pencils for no apparent reason, check. My phone and head phones, check. some lip gloss, check, my house keys, check and a whole lot of other stuff. I was now ready. I took my hone and head phones out of my bag and put my head phones in my ear.

"What song should I pick?" I asked myself as I locked the door. Today seemed pretty sunny and warm which made it seem a little bit better. I flicked through all the songs on my iphone as I started walking. I found 1 of my favourite playlists and listened to the songs in it. I put it on shuffle and the first song that came up was , Troublemaker by Olly Murs. I couldn't help but smile as I listened to the song. It was a really catchy song. As I walked I felt like dancing so bad but I made myself resist. I couldn't help but think about those shows when someone's walking and then it turns into a flash mob. I imagined that happening at that moment. I continued smiling. Halfway through my journey to school, the song which was playing now, Scream and Shout by Will.I.Am and Brittney Spears stopped and I stopped walking. I stood there wondering why the song had stopped. I mentally slapped myself when I had realised that I had recieved a text. I took out my white phone from my pocket and checked to see who it was from. I leaped excitedly when I saw who it was. It was my older sister, Carlie. She had moved out around a year ago. She went to live with her best friends in Paris. I haven't seen her in a really long time. I unlocked my phone and read the text immediately.

Hey, Audrey. How are you little sis. Guess what? Im coming to see you and Mum for your birthday. Can't believe your turning 16 OMG. See you on Saturday! Happy Birthday 4 Monday <3 Carlie

My only sister was coming in 4 more days! I felt super happy. I loved my sister Carlie. She was now 19 and she was coming back to see me, and my mum. Carlie was so funny and she could very well have been the best sister ever!

I continued walking to school, but much faster than the speed I was going before. Nothing could have spoiled my mood at that time. I got to the school gate and I searched for Angie. I had to tell her the great news.

I stopped searching for her when I had remembered our fight. She probably wouldn't care if I told her and it would have just seemed irrelivant. I walked over to Brooke and Drew who were discussing something.

"Nobody cares Drew!" Brooke shuted as I approached. "If you want to half of 2 different sandwiches go ahead!"

"I'm just saying," Drew defended "eating half of 2 different sandwiches is just like eating 1 whole sandwich."

I sat in the seat next to Brooke as I watched their odd conversation.

"Nobody cares!" Brooke responded. Drew opened his mouth to speak when Brooke cut him off. "What ever Drew, Whatever." Drew rolled his eyes, they then turned their attention to me.

"Hi Audrey." They both greeted. I smiled and greeted them back.

"Princeton's going today!" Drew pointed out which made my smile disappear. I looked down at my fingers and played with them.

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