Shopping With MY Gals

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Audrey's POV

It's my birthday party tomorrow and Carlie, Angie and my mum have given me no details on it at all. I really want to know what they have planned even though I know I will love it even more if I was being surprised. It's just that the suspense is seriously killing me. The only things I could know about were the way the cake tasted, who was invited because you know I don't want all of my mothers friends to come and none of MY actual friends to come. And I practically begged my Carlie and Angie to let me choose my outfit. They only let me choose the outfit if they went with me when I was going to buy it today. We were leaving as soon as Angie got here which I assumed would be around 5 minutes.

I flicked through channels on  the TV as I waited. I finally found the movie I had been dieing to see since last month when there was a knock at the door. I groan loudly to show how annoyed I was. 

"Audrey lets go!" Carlie shouted as she went out the door.

"I guess I'll have to watch this movie the next time it's on this channel which like never plays the same movie twice!" I mumbled in frustration as I turned off the TV and went to get my shoes. My mum  had gone out to meet some of her friends for a coffee at who knows where. I ran to the car and I was about to call shot gun when I saw Angie smirking in the front seat. How nice. 

"Did you forget Audrey?" Angie smirked when I got in the car mumbling how annoyed I was. "The front seat is my spot."

I gave her a fake smile. "I'll have my time. Trust me I will." I laughed.

When we got to the mall we walked all over the place searching.

"How about this one?" I asked the 2 of them holding up a long Blue gown. They examined the dress and shook their heads.

"It's too plain your turning 16 and you need to stand out!" Carlie pointed out.

"And their people probably are people who might have a dress like that." Angie added. "You could get like so embarraseed if people start saying you look so plain for your 16th birthday and then they would ask who let you choose that and all odds would lead to Carlie and I and we could get like a whole massive mob chasing us and we end up having to move to New York to-"

"Okay thats enough input on that dress." I interrupted her over thinking. "Can we just get an outfit and leave." I whinned. "Cause like I swear we have been here too long almost everyone in every shop knows our names!"

"NO Audrey!" They both exclaimed in unison. 

"This is like 1 of the most memerable years of your life and you need to look fantastic for your photo's." Carlie said in her almost normal tone. Angie was about to open her mouth and make a massive speech again when Calie intentionally butted in. "Don't you want to look perfect?"

Ugh, I guess she had a point. But I was so sick and tired of walking around all day. We have been her for around 3 and a half hours. Why can't we just drive around the mall? "Fine, but the next shop I walk into I'm getting some part of my outfit from there!" The squelled like teenaged girls, which they were. I rolled my eyes and we left that shop.

"Can we get some food?" I asked Carlie like a little kid.

"Audrey we have more important things than your stravation." Was she serious! I guess they really wanted to get a good outfit as well. The other main reason Calrie and Angie came with me was so they could get outfits of their own.

"OMG!" Angie shouted for no reason. "I've got it! I"VE TOTALLY GOT IT!" She quickly grabbed Carlie and my arm and pulled us to the shop we didn't even get the chance to see the name of it.

"Why are we........" Carlie said before she got distracted by all the amazing clothes and shoes and everything a girl could want in this 1 store. "Bye." She said before she ran around the entire store. Typical. I turned around to talk to Angie when I saw she was also doing what Carlie was. Geat. So it's just me.

I walked around trying to find the perfect one when my phone started ringing. It was an unknown caller. I answered it. wondering who it could be.

"Hello?" I said politely.

"Audrey? Audrey are you there?" As soon as the person said the first word I dropped my phone. My heart was pounding I was certain it was going to come out. What did he want? Flash backs of our last gathering came to mind. My breathing got faster and I just stood there. "Hello? Is anybody there!" He shouted getting kind of angry. "I told you this was totaly pointless. She was just some girl its over." Who was he talking to? What did he mean by she was just some girl. Now I was getting angry. I picked up my phone and gave him a piece of my mind.

"What is your problem Princeton!" I shouted into the phone.

"Who is this?" He asked in confusion. I remained quiet. Should I tell him it's me or not? Maybe I shouldn't for now. "Who am I talking to?"

"Um.... Angie." She was the first person I could think of and she wasn't in my sight so she wouldn't know what I was doing.

"Oh.. Hey Angie." He said in his cool guy voice which he would always use when we first met. I should have guessed he would go back to that. 

"You really hurt m-Audrey!" I said hoping he didn't notice my stumble. "Do you even care about her?"

"Angie you are just a hater and you know what you did to Audrey. Everyone knows. So honestly I don't give a crap about her anyomore. She is old news now." I felt tears come to my eyes. "Where is Audrey now anyway. Are you ditching her again!"

"I thought you didn't give a s*** about me!" I shouted now crying. I was so furious at this jerk. I can't believe I ever liked him let alone thought I loved that jerk. I'm so glad his mother stopped me from saying that I loved him because that would have haunted me the rest of my life. If he was standing right infront of me at this moment he wouldn't be after 5 seconds.

"Wait is this Aud-" He started before I hung up. I ran out the shop and found a bench to sit on and cried. Why on earth would that idiot want to call me? Why did he? I just want to kick his-

"Audrey what happened?" I heard someone say but I didn't care.

"The first guy who I ever liked called me!" I exclaimed in the persons face. It was Angie. She looked confused. I calmed my voice a little because I noticed people were giving me the 'is that girl crazy' look. "Princeton just called and he was a total jerk."

Angie sat next to me. "Are you okay?"

"How can I be okay Ang?" I asked through tears. "He said doesn't give a crap about me and said I was old news!" Angie gave me a hug and I felt so angry. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE! X10000 Princeton! I never want to see him ever again. If I do somebody gon' die on that day! I cried on Angies shoulder until Carlie came out wondering where we had gone off to.

"Audrey HE"S just some guy who deserves whatever bad things happen to him." Carlie comforted as we drove back home. Angie sat next to me in the back. So no-one sat in the front seat. Good old Angie to let your best friend sit in the front seat for once. (Sarcasm much).

Angie gave me a small hug "Don't be upset Audrey-"

"I'm not upset I'm SO FURIOUS!" I cried in anger. "When I went out with Leo he never left me alone. And now when he's gone I don't matter to him anymore!"

"You should just forget about him!" They both said in unison.

"I can't I still have feelings for him!" I now cried out of sadness. Angie and Carlie looked confused. "It's like when I finally forget about him he finds a way to show up!"

3 days ago I had completely forgotten about him. His name didn't even pop up into my head at all until I watched Tv before bed. Whatever his boy band was called was on and I saw his face. I wanted to change the channel so bad but there was 1 question I wanted to hear the answer to to.

"So Princeton have been in a really good relationship with a girl before? If so who was this special girl?" The lady who was interiewing them asked.

He thought for a while, then looked at the camera. "I haven't been in a good relationship before, but maybe there's someone who can change that." He winked at the camera and I switched the TV off and went to be with him on my mind. UGH.

"Well don't worry you'll have a great day tomorrow that I promise you." Angie said and I smilled and gave her a hug. It was good to know that I could at least count the people who loved and cared for me.

It's Just Me and You (Princeton Mindless Behavior)Where stories live. Discover now