I'm Broken, Do You Hear Me?

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AN: Well I'm being rather generous aren't I? I haven't even gotten my three votes and I'm already uploading the next chapter lol :D

This one is the longest so far in this particular story but I think it gets everything across. I'm sorry if I rable a bit in the story, but some aspects of this story are getting very personal to me in it's themes and I feel that I need to go into detail to express the characters' feelings. There isn't too much description like that in this chapter but there will in later chapters, which may take a while to write depending on how I'm feeling when I write them.

Anyway, I seem to be naming the chapters after lines of 1D songs, although this one took me ages to think of and I finally settled on the first line of More Than This. So, I will continue to name the chapters like that but if you guys could suggest any lines that link with the theme of this story then it would be a MASSIVE help and I would dedicate the chapter to you if I used your suggestion.

And as you guys can see I created my own front cover because no one even bothered to help me out (thanks alot for that!) (oh shit, sorry that sounded bitchy :/ but that's what I feel like!) but yeah, the cover is fucking shit and I hate it so if any of you can be bothered to help me out it would make me happy because as you can see I'm pissed off, but not at you guys it's just other things so I'm sorry to take it out on you guys but you all said on my one shot book that you liked my writing and want me to update and yet I have had next to no support for this but THANK YOU to those few of you that commented and voted!!! IT MEANS SOOOOOOOO MUCH TOOOO MEEEEEE

There isn't any mature content in this, just mature themes and I don't think there is any language either :)

Hope you enjoy, VOTE/COMMENT/FOLLOW!!! PLEASE!!!

~Kat x


Louis' POV

I groaned in pain as I began to regain my conciousness, my head, chest and stomach throbbing. I squinted as I opened my eyes and it took me a while to adjust to the dim brightness of the room, even though it wasn't very bright at all. I looked around when I regained focus and saw that I was in a bedroom and I was laid down in a double bed. I instantly panicked, not recognising my surroundings but then everything came back to me and I remembered why I was in pain and that just before I had blacked out someone had found me and I dearly hoped that I was with them and not someone else. I glanced around and saw that on the bedside table next to me there was a glass of water, a refil container and also some tablets. Clearly whoever took me in knows how to treat guests, I thought and reached over for the cup and tablets and took a couple, hoping it would help the pain.

I tried to sit up in bed but my stiff, aching body would only allow me to feebly shuffle up the bed an inch or two and I huffed in annoyance and then groaned in pain that came from my chest after I moved.

I was just considering calling out, to see if anyone was there but then I heard the sound of footsteps getting louder unti they stopped right outside the door to the room and then someone turned the door handle and gently pushed the door open, trying to be as quiet as possible. They slowly entered the room, their back to me as they closed the door behind them, clearly they hadn't noticed I was awake yet but they soon did when they turned around and their eyes widened. I recognised the person as the boy who had found me, even in the dark of the room I could still see the outline of the luscious curls, framing his face.

"Your awake?" he asked in shock. I was tempted to give him a sarcastic reply but I all I managed to do was nod, I simply felt to weak to think of something clever to say. "Urh.... I'm gonna go get the others." he said after a moment and I tensed considering he was talking about people I didn't know. He saw my change in posture and added, "Oh don't worry, they won't hurt you, they helped me find you and chase off that man who attacked you." I relaxed a little, hoping that these people were as nice as this boy. I nodded showing him that it was okay and he smiled and then walked to the door, opened it and shouted, "GUYS HE'S AWAKE!!"

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