Your Actions Speak Louder Than Your Words

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AN: Hey guys! Well since I went ages before till I updated, I didn't want to do that again so this is the next part. It is a bit of a filler so I'm sorry if it is boring to you. The next few chapters will be more exciting because I know what is going to happen in them.

My next update will either be this weekend or next Tuesday, or both depending.

I would like to dedicate this chapter to a dear friend of mine @leahcoulthard . We have known eachother for about six years now and she is really great!! She is quite new to Wattpad AND she has written a One Direction fanfiction, which considering she swore to me that she wasn't a directioner is a little strange, but I think I have converted her!! She has finally seen the light XD Anyway, go read her stories, they are great and I think she deserves more followers and reads and votes :)

OMG! Recently I discovered this fanfiction called 50 Shades Of Styles! It's a Larry story and I have to say it is one of the most intense stories I have ever read but it is FANTASTIC so go check that out if you want to read a Larry that is smutty but also a little different but don't read it if you are really sensitive. btw the book is by @ZaynTomlinson !

No real warnings for this chapter other than a little language.

So please vote/comment/follow


~Kat x


Harry's POV

"So where is it that we are going?" Louis asked as he joined the rest of us in the seating area the next day. I had been the first of us to wake and upon realising that I wouldn't be going back to sleep, I wandered in here to clear my head. Niall and Liam had joined me shortly and Zayn had yet to appear, his usuall laziness showing. I had luckily managed to have atleast half an hour to myself before Niall had bounded in compaining of his constant hunger that never seemed to go and proceeded to make himself some breakfast from the on board kitchen. Liam had followed in only a few moment after, presumably after being woken up by the hungry, amazingly hyper teen and acknowledged me with little more than a 'humfph' before assulting the apolstry covered seats with his body in an attempt to get comfortable again, but failed seeing as his boyfriend had emerged from the kitchen moments later and demanded snuggling into Liam, which ultimately prevented him from relaxing again and he was forced to wake up completely into the real world. I had watched the whole scene with amusement, a part of me thinking about how cute a couple the two boys made and another part of me counting my lucky stars that Niall wasn't my boyfriend. Don't get me wrong, I loved Niall like a brother and his hyperness could be refreshing but it certainly wasn't at 7:30 in the morning as it were that morning.

"I think we are heading to a place called Watford first." I replied and then proceeded to pat the empty space next to me on the sofa, indicating that Louis could sit there. He offered me a small smile before walking over and gently easing himself onto the seat next to me, his body placed no further than an inch from mine, our thighs practically brushing against each other. I smiled at the closeness and gazed over at the Doncaster lad who, at that moment, stretched his mouth open in a strangled yawn and let out a groan as he took in a lungful of air, his arms stretching out above his arm while he yawned and then folded them carefully over his chest, his hands tucking under his pointed elbows.

"Where is that?" Louis asked curiously, his eyes brows knitting together as he tried to recall any mention of tha place from his past.

"I think it's on the outskirts of London. But I'm not 100% sure. I haven't been to half the places that are the venues for our tour." I answered shrugging my shoulders to enphasize my clueless reply.

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