Let Me Be The One You Come Running To

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AN: Okay, well since I got a load of reads and votes I decided to upload. I really hope you guys like this, please vote or comment or follow, if you do because I have no way of knowing if you do, I'm not a mind reader hahaha

Anyway this is a bit of a filler chapter so it may not be that interesting but I have taken on board what you guys have suggested and your ideas may feature later on, you'll just have to follow this story to find out :)

And sorry that the chapter title sucks, I couldn't think of one so I used a line from Everything About You.

So enjoy, vote/comment/follow

~Kat xxx


Harry's POV

I didn't sleep much that night, I was constantly tossing and turning the whole night, thinking of Louis and what had happened yesterday. I couldn't believe that anyone would want to hurt someone so nice, so beautiful, let alone his own boyfriend. He deserved so much better than that monster. I was just glad that he had no way of tracking Louis to our flat, the thought that Louis was safe for at least a little while gave me comfort. I wanted to protect him from the monster and make sure he stayed safe, there was just something about him that was special and I knew that I couldn't ever let him go. He was staying. Now I just had to convince the others that he could.

I was in the kitchen, making breakfast for Louis to have in bed when my phone went off. I looked at the display and saw that it was Liam. That was the one thing I didn't really understand: us boys all lived right next to each other, in the same flat complex and yet we used our phones to communicate rather than just walking to each other. I pressed the accept button and placed the phone to my ear.

"Hey." I called into the speaker.

"Hey Haz, how is Louis?" Liam's voice replied, sounding fairly groggily.

"He is okay, I think. He went to bed fine last night and he didn't call out for me in the night which is good and he seemed to be sound asleep when I poked my head in about half an hour ago. I'm just making breakfast for him." I answered, while continuing to make breakfast, putting the phone on speaker and then placing it on the counter.

"That's good then." Liam said after a pause. "So what are we going to do about him?"

"I can't let him go back, knowing that he would get hurt again." I said quickly, not allowing Liam any time to suggest that we send him back. "I want to look after him."

"You like him?" Liam asked and I could tell by the tone of his voice that if he were standing next to me, he would have one eyebrow raised and a knowing look plastered across his face.

"I'm not sure, but there is something special about him. I just have to protect him." I stated honestly.

"So I'm presuming you're gonna want him to be able to stay with us then, for the near future at least?" Liam asked, but it sounded more like a statement than anything, considering he already knew the answer.

"Yes I do." I told him bluntly.

"Well then it's a good job that I rung management as soon as I got back to my flat last night and explained everything to them." Liam said and I could hear the smirk in his voice. He paused before adding his next words. "They said he can stay with us as long as he wants as long as we are prepared to look after him and be responsible for him. They don't expect to have to do any work."

I almost jumped for joy at that. It meant that I could in fact keep Louis safe, for as long as I needed.

"Thank you so much Li. This means the world." I exclaimed happily.

Would He Love You Like I Would? (Larry Stylinson + Niam Horayne)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя