And I Will Give You All My Heart

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Sorry that I haven't updated in ages, I was away camping since last wednesday, but I spent all of today in my free periods and lessons writing this chapter which is probably why it is so damn long....but it is a REALLY imortant chapter.

I'm sorry if any of you find it fustrating that I keep building up to put Harry and Louis together and then don't, while I was camping I was chatting to my bestie Lydia and she mentioned that it was annoying, so sorry about that!

I loved writing this chapter and I was so looking forward to writing it and had done since a few weeks ago when I came up with the idea for this chapter, so I hope I have done it okay for you.

No sure when my next update will be but it will be sooooooon!!!!

Oh and another thing, do any of you have tickets to see One Direction next year on June 7th for the Yellow Standing Zone, because me and @louisasa1d were talking and we both have them (by the way we haven't met, we started talking on Wattpad) and we thought it would be cool to see if anyone else has tickets for that area!! Let me know if you do.......

The title is from Over Again and I really liked this line which is why the chapter is called it!!!

Hope you enjoy this

please vote/comment/follow

thank you

~Kat xxxxxx


Louis' POV

The next morning I woke up feeling like I hadn't slept at all. Nightmares had plagued my mind the whole night and I had had no one to comfort me when I woke up sweating and crying. The dreams were of Harry, in some he was hurting me and in others he was leaving me to find someone better. Either way I woke up feeling like I had lost him and then reality hit and I realised I had. The one moment of joy that I felt when his lips touched mine, trashed by the simple statement that it was a mistake. But how could it be a mistake? A mistake is when a child does something wrong while working out a mathematical equation or spelt something wrong in an English essay. But how can you mistakenly kiss someone? It wasn't like he didn't know who I was and the mistake was that it was meant for someone else. And his lips didn't accidentally fall onto mine. So how was it a mistake? I always thought of mistakes as wrong, but how could an innocent kiss be wrong? It didn't feel wrong, in fact I don't think anything had felt so right before. Mistakes always lead to something being incomplete like a mathematical problem or a word but I hadn't felt more complete than I did when he kissed me and I hadn't felt complete in a long while, the pain and torture that Alex had put me through eating away at me so there was no possible way I could be complete, every beating or every time he forced me into sex tore a little bit of me off until I felt like little more than an empty shell, fog clouding my mind and stone replacing my heart. And yet Harry, Niall, Zayn and Liam came a long and filled me back up, making me whole with a little bit of emotion to spare. And now I felt hopeless and empty once again, incomplete.

Whispered voices and shuffling brought me back into my crumpled reality, kicking and screaming and my depressing thoughts fell away only to be replaced by the knowledge that now nothing would be the same. On the tour bus I could feel people moving around, the bus vibrating with their combined steps and the hum of their chorused voices reaching back to me. I guessed everyone was getting ready for the first concert today and I could imagine that it must be quite tense for everyone.

I groaned and twisted my aching body so that I was now facing the pulled sheet that was the curtain that protected me from the world and drew it slightly in order to peak my head around the corner and peer out. I felt almost like a spy, trying to find information, watching people and I almost laughed. The others boys' beds were empty, the sheets made and the curtains drawn. From my awkward position I could just angle my head in order to gaze down the narror walkway of the bus and I was met with about seven people, milling around in the seating area. Some were sat down, others were pacing around speaking on phones. I recognised the four boys that made up One Direction instantly, Liam and Niall were sat together chatting, Zayn was next to them on his phone, which I was starting to think was super glued to his palm considering ninety percent of the time that I had seen him over the last few days it had been there and he had been texting like mad on it. However I noticed the occasional time that his eyes would wonder from the phone screen and look upwards and across from him where the curly haired boy that had broken me was sat, arms folded and staring at the ground. Zayn's face would harden upon seeing him and his eyes would go cold and form into a glare. After a moment he would resume tapping the keys on his phone screen, a smile appearing once more on his face. I half rolled my eyes but stopped myself when I felt hurt and anger fill me at the reason why Zayn was acting so hard towards Harry and no sympathy filled my heart at the cold glares that Zayn was sending him. He deserved it.

Would He Love You Like I Would? (Larry Stylinson + Niam Horayne)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant