You Take Me To The Edge Then You Hit The Brakes

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AN: Well I've had quite a bit of spare time at school so I've been writing this. I think it is quite long but I'm not sure haha. Sorry if it is a bit too long and boring but I hope you still like it.

OMG OMG OMG!!!!! I have ONE DIRECTION tickets!! To see them next year at Wembley Stadium on the 7th of June. Me and my mum literally spent 50 minutes on two different websites and redialling the number every fifteen seconds to try and buy them and then we finally got some tickets for the Yellow Zone Pitch Standing!!! So excited! Never seen One Direction before!! I actually screamed when I got them and I updated all my sites like Facebook, Twitter and two of my Instagram accounts saying that I had them!!

Anyway, the only warning for this chapter is language which you will see in the first line mainly haha. The title comes from Na Na Na and I chose it because it best describes the end of this chapter. I'm really excited about writing the next few chapters because it is building up to a climax, don't worry it's not the end but it is a mini climax and I can't wait!! My next update will be Tuesday :)

Thank you so much for the amount of reads and votes this story has gotten. It means so much to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3 I love you guys.

This chapter isn't dedicated to anyone. If you want a chapter dedicated to you then please send me a PM :)

Please comment, telling me what you like and don't like about this story and what you would like to see more of! Are the Niall and Louis scenes too much? Should I have Louis get closer to another character?? I need to know.

This story is starting to get quite personal to me at this point so a lot of the things in future chapters will be quite detailed because I can write it....erm yeah.... its complicated.

enjoy this chapter

please vote/comment/follow

~Kat x


Louis' POV

'"You stupid cunt!" he shouted at me, rushing forward and pinning me to the wall. I didn't know where I was, around me were four white walls and nothing else and yet I felt suffocated, like I couldn't breathe. He got up right in my face, his own head about an inch from mine. "Why do you always have to make me angry?!" he raged at me, bringing my body forwards and then slamming it back into the wall, my back smacking onto the hard surface sending a searing pain corsing through my back and arms. I whimpered in pain and cast my eyes downwards, not meeting his, although his own gaze on me was cutting into me.

"This is all your own fault! You're so weak and pathetic! Nobody even cares for you. I certainly don't." he continued and his last statement hurt me the most. He didn't care for me. He then let go of me and my body slumped to the floor, a sudden weariness taking over me. "You are gonna pay." he sneered at me, and no sooner had the last syllable of his threat left his mouth, his foot rose up and smashed into my torso visciously. I cried out in pain and curled into a ball much like I had done in the woods, but like in the woods, the blows kept coming mercilessly and I writhed in pain, trying to escape the attack.

"Please stop-p!" I begged my voice small and frail.

"No! You deserve this." A malistic smile crept onto his lips and he stopped kicking me and bent down so that his entire frame was hovering over me. He then extended his right hand and closed it around my neck. I instantly stiffened in fear and I could literally feel the blood pumping in my ears. He applied a little pressure and I could feel the air in my lungs trying to escape and new air trying to get in. I gasped but it came out as more of a strangled cry and my own hands flew to my throat, trying to pry his hand away but his grip was too strong. The world around me started fading, the edges blackening as my vision spiralled into one point which focussed on his face. His hard, cold face.

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