Baby Be With Me So Happily

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AN: Guys I'm sorry I haven't updated in almost a year, but my last year of A Levels has been really hard work, and I've also started really getting into Instagram which has distracted me, and to top it all off, me and my best friend are currently writing a proper novel and we were really focussed on getting that finished and published. So yeah.... been a bit busy.

However, I have refreshed myself with what the story is and where I want to continue it so I'm gonna give it a go as it seems a shame to just leave it hanging because I was enjoying writing it.

If you are wondering where this is picking up, then read the last chapter again but basically this will be set on Louis' birthday on 24th December just so you guys are aware.

Wanna dedicate this chapter to my friend Leah who has an account on here, I want to dedicate this to her for the amazing birthday present that she got me. I really loved it :D

So I saw 1D in concert on 7th June at Wembley.... that was AMAZING, the only thing that let it down was actually the Directioners. I'm not saying you guys are horrible, but the directioners that I saw there were so god damned rude and it was disgusting!! My mum had to sit on the ground before the concert started because of her bad back and the stupid bitches around us were kicking her because they wanted to get closer. It really is true when people say that Directioners are the best and WORST fandom ever.

Anyways, onwards and upwards!! Sorry if anything I write in the next couple of chapters upsets anyone.


Harry P.O.V

 "Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Louis. Happy Birthday to you."  Today was Louis' birthday and I new I wanted to give him a birthday to remember and for all the right reasons. After Zayn and Mel had got together yesterday, we had all got on the tour bus, and come back to my house in Cheshire, after stopping off at Mel's B&B to get her belongings. As it was now the Christmas break and our next concert would be in January, we were meant to go back to our families, however because of Louis' birthday I had asked everyone to stop over at my house so we could celebrate his birthday properly. The poor boy in question wasn't expecting any of the celebrations that we put on, and as we sung him Happy Birthday and then proceeded to hand him our presents, I saw his eyes glaze over as salty tears whelled up in them, and one stray, naughty tear slid out from the confounds of his lid and trickled effortlessly down his cheeks, giving away his emotions to us, even though he had tried his best to brush it away without anyone seeing.

"This is too much," he gasped, holding back a choked sob.

"Louis, you haven't even opened your presents yet." I told him and reached for his hand, clasping it soothingly and rubbing my thumb over his trembling knuckles.

"But I don't deserve presents, you guys shouldn't have spent money on me." he rambled and I sighed and lent over to him, wrapping my arm around him and bringing him into my chest.

"Lou, baby, you mean the world to all of us, of course we are going to buy you presents. You're my boyfriend and I want to spoil you rotten, so please let me. Besides, we brought your presents just for you, it would be a waste if you didn't accept them." I reassured him and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead.

Louis sniffed and lifted his head, gazing at me for a moment and then nodded his head slightly, "Okay, when you put it like that then I'll open them." he said and a small cheer rose from the rest of the band and Mel, who were sat on the floor like us in a circle, reminding me of 'show and tell' in first school when we would all have to sit in a circle on the floor and show our classmates something that represented something that we had done recently. Of course I was the boy that would bring in live frogs and other nasty things to prank my classmates with. I was sat on Louis' right, with Niall on his left. Liam was next to Niall with their hands interlocked. Zayn was then sat next to him and Mel was between him and myself.

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