Chapter 4

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"Oh great a storm, just what I need."

I sighed and lowed myself into the water and began to swim home, when something sparkled in the little moon light we had left. It was a necklace, more like a leather necklace with a madalon that had an inscription on the back

          Will, I love you with all my heart. Be the man you were destined to be.

           Love, Mom

I shrugged and put it on. Who ever had this probably didn't want it.

Suddenly I herd splashing. I looked up to see a pair of human legs kicking. They belonged to a boy who looked like he was looking for something. There was a flash of lightning and the boy went still.

"Oh no."

I swam up to the surface were he was. His eyes were closed and he had a scrape on his forehead.

I sighed "I'm going to regret this."

I grabbed his arm and drangged him to shore. I got him onto the beach, and I got a clear look at him. He was about my age. He had messy blond hair that was clinging to his forhead, he was really beautiful. I burshed some hair away from his face.

I've never been so closed to a human before. I know a lot about humans, but I've never met one for.

The boy grumbled.

I jumped back into the ocean, there was another flash and I couldn't move my tail. I looked behind me and there was a huge rock crushing my tail. i tried moveing it off of my tail, but it just hurt more.

I heared another moan, and I looked at the boy I just saved.

He's wakeing up. My mind screamed. What do I do? Just stay quiet, maybe he won't hear you.

So I stopped splashing and stayed quiet, just as the boy came over to me.

"Are you ok?" he asked

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