Chapter 7

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I watched her disappear under the water. I was disappointed that she couldn't stay, but she was probably freaking out just like I was. I mean a mermaid!

I only tought of them in legends and old sea stories, but they're real. I wonder what they're really like?

I stood up and brushed some dirt off my shorts.

Well I guess I can hope. To watch, maybe she will come back.

I headed home and silent closed the door behind me, and grabbed an apple out of fridge, then ran to my room. I flopped onto my bed wondering what she was doing right now...


I poked my head out of the water, wondering if he was still there. He wasn't.

I sighed. Part of me hoped he was still there, waiting for me. I lifted myself onto the side of the little pool.

He was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. He probably never wants to see me again. I disappointed him by not staying, but for some strange reason I came back. I'm scared to know why.

Mermaids are NOT supposed to fall in love with humans. It's against her majestieswishes. The Queen of the sea is one of us. Legend says she was the first mermaid ever, untill she trusted a human. Her life fell apart. Wathing her daughter be murdered by her own father was horrifying. So she decided that no mermaid shall fall in love with a human.

I looked down at my scaly hands, wondering what it would be like if mom was still alive. Just then I heard someone coming towrds the opening of the cave I dove back into the water, just as my blue-eyed human came rushing over to the pool.

"Hello?" he said into the water

I knew he could see me so i popped my head out of the water to meet his deep blue eyes.

"Hi." he smiled eyes sparkling "I thought I left my sweatshirt down here. Now I'm glad I came back." he paused for a moment, then said "You came back. Why?"

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"It's not like I don't like you visiting, it's just...when you swam away I was wondering what I did." then he chuckled "And when i would see you again."

I smiled a little. He was so kind and every time he smiled it was like i had bubbles in my stomach. His eyes were so breath-taking.

I guess he was looking at me too because he shook his head and said "You know, I don't know your name. My names Will."

I looked up at him "Rachel."

He layed down on his stomach, so he could get closer to me "Hi Rachel. So you're a mermaid?"

I nodded in thinking he already knew that. It must have shown on my face because he shrugged "Just making conversation."

I nodded.

"Ok will you speak?"

I shrugged and smiled.

"Oh is this a game or something?"

I thought for a moment, then nodded.

"Ok so how do I get you to speak because I know you can talk. You cursed at me."

I smiled and remebered that my first words to him were 'No shit sherlock'

"You have a beautiful smile."  he said seriously

He leaned forward almost like he was about to kiss me, but I interupted.

"Will." I said in a wishpher

He smiled "You said something."

I laughed "Yea."


"Were you really going to kiss me?" I asked

He shrugged "Probably. Why?"

"Nothing I got to go." I turned to leave

"Why?" but i was already under. This was scary


Hey this is to my 2 fans yey! (sarcasium) but i am very greatful for you guys so thanks. Please tell me what you think, is it boring? Sapy? Not enoff? PLEASE tell me!!!! I want to know how I can more peopl to read this! Thanks :)

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