Chapter 9: Courtney Was a Leech in Her Previous Birth.

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Courtney Was a Leech in Her Previous Birth.



“Well I’m so much closer than I have ever known, Wake Up!

Better thank your lucky stars!

Say, hey! Hey!

Wake Up!”

Billie Joe’s voice equals eargasm.

Matt’s voice does not. Neither does Martha's.

Both of their voices together, within two feet of me, with no Billie Joe around, create symphony. Not.

Really, if this goes on, I will be sure to suffocate under the pillows I’ve piled on my head. I burrowed my head deeper and mumble something like ‘Shut Up’ which was ignored if heard. I wasn’t too sure if I could hear myself above their horrid voices.

But they're amazing friends. Every school day, they get up half an hour early to wake me up. It’s not difficult for them, since they are morning people, but I seriously wouldn’t mind getting up at noon every single day of my life. Which would kind of not work if I wanted my attendance marked.

However, I tend to sleep through alarms, so they have to wake me up. With their stupid annoying discordant voices. Also, I tend to hit out in my sleep, so they have to maintain a distance of two feet at least, especially after Matt’s broken nose. My mother won’t dare to wake me up. She says the sheer amount of time I sleep is a disgrace to The Book of Dainty Habits of Ladies.


Or maybe not.

“C’mon, Kayla. Greenday says wake up.”

I threw the pillows at them and glared.

“Well, how about Wake Me Up When September Ends?”

“But September’s too far away!”

“Exactly my point.”

But ten minutes later, as had been happening for the better part of my school life, I was on my way to Matt’s BMW angrily munching on my nutri-bar. I missed my breakfast every darn time. I caught myself just in time and remembered not to slam the car door.

Matt could freak out as bad as a two year old when his car was disrespected. And one grumpy person [aka me] this morning was enough. Matt picked both of us every school morning, since Martha didn’t want a car and my mom came to know that I’d used Arnold’s bike yesterday. So she was pretty mad at me. My mother can be very paranoid sometimes.

I mean, just because I almost broke my back by falling off a skateboard once in my seventeen year old life didn’t mean that I was allergic to driving. My mother had some serious growing up to do.

I hated walking to get groceries, especially since I had to do it alone, now that James was on his honeymoon and Kimberley was, well, no use spoiling my already crappy mood thinking about her.

“You’re going to eat the wrapper too?’’ Matt asked. Martha was being extra nice and had let me take shotgun.

“No, you want to?”

“My my, somebody’s grumpy this morning.”

“Like I’ve been since discovering that I have to stay back after school for a stupid punishment and won’t be able to sleep straight after school.”

I must be the laziest bum on earth. But Mr. Baxter was seriously too much. Making us students work, because he wanted to save money and was too lazy to hire professionals? I could do without that in my life.

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