Meeting the Rejects

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"Bucky Chihuahua
Has a very ugly grin
Once he breaks a smile
Poor doggy lose a friend." Everyone chants over and over again.

Bucky, the ex president of Animarica, pouts as he's thrown into the Rejected Club members' room. He starts to wander around aimlessly until he bumps into someone. He looks up to see a buff cat with black teeth.

"Who are you?! Why are you in here?!" The cat screams in a raspy voice while glaring.

Bucky shivers."I, uh, was just thrown in here."

The cat raises an eyebrow."How the crap did you get thrown in here?"

Bucky flashes his smile and chaos commences.

Black tooth cat's jaw falls and he gasps."What a great rejected smile. No wonder you got stuck here."

Suddenly, a cat in a see-through bikini walks by and does a hair flip. While he does that he says,"Hair flip! Ain't it awesome? Oh yes it is."

"What have I got myself into?" Bucky sighs.

Black tooth smirks mischievously."Do you wanna meet the leaders of the club?"

Bucky says,"Oh boy, I can't get myself outta this one, can I?"

"Nope!" Black tooth has a big grin on his face. "Hmm... who do I show you first? I know, army dog!"

Army dog walks in with a mouthful of dog nose hair. "Hey guys! Who's the new dude? Wait a second... that's Bucky Chihuahua, the one with the ugly grin! Bucky chihuahua-"

Bucky yells,"Will you shut up already, you dinkus!"

Black tooth giggles like a school girl.

"Did you just... giggle?!" Army dog says with disbelief plastered on his face.

"NO! Shut up! Stop being mean!" Black tooth yells in a little kid voice.

A bird drops in out of nowhere while flying recklessly. He says with an idiot facial expression,"Time to go to bed!"

Bucky says,"What are you talking about? It's one o'clock in the afternoon, dinkus!"

The bird says with an evil glare and an deranged sounding voice,"GO TO BED OR ELSE YOU MIGHT HAVE TO FACE MY BROTHER!"

Bucky sighs."Oh poop, not that dinkus, again." He darts before the bird could kill him.


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