Bucky Meets An Old Friend

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After Retxed learns about his true colors, when someone rings the door to the club room. Bucky opens the door, hoping to meet someone normal- or at least better than who's here currently. He sees a black and white chihuahua puppy and his eyes flash a hint of recognition.

"Claire, is t-that you?" Bucky stammers.

"Yeah, it's me alright." She says with a bashful smile.

"Why are you here?" Bucky asks while raising an eyebrow. "Don't say you lost a stupid competition Dexter holds, that darn evil genius. Can't believe he's the ruler of the world-"

She giggles softly,"Bucky, you're ranting."

He looks down at his paws and sighs awkwardly."Yeah, I guess I was."

"Stupid evil genius who made me seem like a total dork in front of Claire. Wait, why am I thinking like this? She's my friend." Bucky thinks.

"Anyways, why are you here, Claire?" He asks, his voice almost silent.

She looks down at her paws and awkwardly smiles. "I, uh, just wanted to see if you're doing okay."

"That's very nice of you. I didn't know they allowed visitors here."

"Claire!" Army dog screams like a five year old. "You're here! Gimmie a hug, will ya?"

Army dog runs over to Claire and gives her a big hug. Nose hair falls from his mouth, completely falling down on Claire.

Claire face morphs into the most terrified expression ever. Dexter comes over and starts cracking up nonstop.

"What's so funny?" Claire asks, completely oblivious to everything happening for my eyes.

"I've never seen him laugh so hard before. In fact, Dexter never laughs." Bucky says, clearly amused by this.

"Why is my life so weird?!" Claire shouts over dramatically.

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