Talking to Mr. Evil Genius

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Dexter says while rolling his eyes," Oh, it's you again."

Bucky says with sarcasm dripping in his voice,"Nice seeing you again, almighty one."

"What did you just say?" Dexter raises his voice.

"Nothing." Sarcasm echoes throughout the room.

"Yeah, right, dummy." Dexter says sarcastically.

Before Bucky could say anything, the dreaded bikini cat and Retxed walk into the room.

Bucky and Dexter say in unison,"Oh poop, not you two idiots again."

They turn to each other and give a death glare. They say in unison,"Shut up! Stop it!"

They groan. Bucky turns to Dexter and says,"Before we continue this conversation, let's make a run for it, shall we?"

"I shall." Dexter says as he flies away, leaving Bucky to his doom.

"That's it." Bucky says as he jumps on Dexter's back.

"Geez, what have you been eating lately?"

He turns to Bucky and says,"That hurt."

Dexter stops flying for a second."Sayonara, stupid."

Bucky suddenly falls to his doom."Aw crud. You stupid bird!"

Bucky looks downward to see Bikini cat, Retxed, and that hair flip guy that nobody ever remembers his name.

He looks up to the sky with his paws in a praying position. "Please don't let me land on hair flip guy's hair. Please, it's so disgusting! Please, oh freaking please."

Bucky lands directly on hair flip guy's head. The group all starts balling their eyes out, excluding Bucky. Bucky sits there with the most ticked off facial expression ever.

"Put a sock in it, dinkuses." He says.

They all turn to him and say in a childish voice,"Meanie weenie wanna be a queenie!"

Dexter is simply up ahead, cracking up. He suddenly stops flying and lands on bikini cat.

Bucky has the biggest smile on his face."In your face, almighty one!"

Dexter says in an extremely childish voice while holding his wing to his heart,"That hurt, again."

Dexter has the evilest grin on his face,"Oh, by the way, I'm running for the president of Animarica and Catada."

Bucky shot Dexter a death glare."Oh no you didn't!" He adds the finger wag.

Dexter says with the finger wag,"Oh yes I did."

Bucky smiles again with a super evil glare. Everybody dies.

Nope, just kidding! They all fainted and Bikini cat's bikinis came to life.

Bikini cat whistles with a big smile.

Retxed has a thoughtful look on his face. "Are you a girl or a guy?"

"A guy, duh."

"I thought you were a girl..."

"Rude! Get over here you idiot and pay for what you thought!"

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