The Rejected Contest Part 2

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The announcer says,"Next up, the Rejected Club versus The Cowards!"

"GO COWARDS GO! GO COWARDS GO!" The crowd shouts.

"Seriously?! You're cheering for them?"
Bucky face paws.

The announcer says,"And there's a catch, too!"

"Oh crap, what is it?"

He smiles. "Not telling you!"

Everyone in the rejected club face paws.

"Also, it's a race, too?"

"Seriously how stupid is Dexter?" Bucky yells.

"Shut up! That's it, I'm gonna tell you what the catch is. You have to wear see through bikinis!" Dexter yells.

Bikini cat yells,"Best catch ever!"

"But the catch for you is that you can't wear a see through bikini." Dexter smirks.

"No! It's the end of the world!"

Everyone in the audience dies of laughter.

"Bikinis attack!" Bikini cat yells as all of his dirty, old bikinis with holes in them attack everyone - aiming for Dexter especially. Oh, and Bucky, because why not?

"Wait, why aren't they attacking? Work you stupid heads!"

Dexter yells,"Sorry, I forgot to mention that they work for me now."

"NO! Someone save me from this horror!" Bikini cat yells as he falls to his knees.

"Now, let the race begin! This time there's no wheel! It's only Bucky the ugly grin dog!" Announcer guy yells as everyone sings Bucky's song.

Bucky yells,"Will you shut up already?! You all suck!"

Army dog has a confused look on his face. "Where are the cowards?"

"Uh, I think that they didn't show up." Black tooth replies.

"The Rejected Club wins by defualt!"

After that, the bikinis go back to their original owner, bikini cat, and attack everyone.


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