Storytime With Bucky!!

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Commercial time with... Bucky, the dog with the ugly grin!

Bucky says, glaring,"Oh, shut up, dinkis narrator!"

Before he does anything, he throws a book at the narrator. "Ignore him, he's just a dinkis from 2000 convention. Plus, he doesn't like Starbucks coffee, and that totally invalidates his opinions."

On to the story, you stupid dog!

"Fine, fine. Let's get on with it. The best part is that it's about moi!" He strikes a dramatic pose, trying to display his awesomeness. "Oh, and the ending is fabulous!"

Every reject, and Dexter, because why not, sits around what Bucky thinks is a majestic throne made of diamonds, but really is a creaky, thousand year old rocking chair that his great great grandmother sat on during the War of Animals.

Bucky leans forward on the rocking chair, trying to find a more comfortable seating position. "In the year 2010, there was a fabulous dog named Starbucks, aka me. His owners adored him, giving him the finest of delicacies. Bucky has his girlfriend, Clarabelle-"

Then Dexter interrupts by saying,"She's not your girlfriend, you desperate piece of poo. She's your friend,"

Bucky blushes, ignoring the evil genius. "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, the only tragic thing that happened throughout this entire story was that I looked like a full of crap, falling diaper to my owner."

"What?" The rejects and Dexter yell in unison.

"Well, you kinda do look like that on a daily basis." Dexter remarks casually.

Then Bucky gives his death glare that killed Bikini cat's cousin.


Next, they all start falling into the pit of lava beneath them. Dexter, being the cunning genius he is, tries to fly away from his doom. Bucky sees this, so he viciously dumps
a pile of burning  bird poó.

So Bucky continues the stories by saying, "So, I was on the balcony smelling a full diaper when I starting to fall 50 feet in the air. When I hit the ground l fainted,but I looked like I was dead. So, Dexter was flying me to the vet but I woke up and I said and did an uppercut right to the face of Dexter. Then, I did a backflip to the ground and watched Dexter fall on his face. I then I uppercuted him again and he said,'That hurt,'"

                                                                 The End of the story 

A/N This is a true story but I changed it to the point of view of the story😎.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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