Meeting Reality

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Bucky's head was pounding as his dream continues.

Retxed, the bird from earlier, begins to dance around on television in a see-through bikini with bikini cat.

Dexter, Retxed's brother, sighs."I thought I knew you better than this."
Retxed and bikini cat walk up in front of Dexter's face and they begins to do the Harlem shake.

Bucky says,"I am scarred for life."

He shoots up out of bed to realize that his dream came true. In his bedroom, he sees the two doing the Harlem shake in front of Dexter. This time, though, it was on national television.

Bucky says again while facepawing,"I am scarred for life."

Bucky screams like a two year old and runs as fast as he could away from those dinkuses. Suddenly, he bumps into a huge bird's back. Recognition flashes in Bucky's eyes.

"Oh poop, it's you again." Bucky sighs.

"What did you just say?"

"Nothing." says Bucky.

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