Bikini's Revenge

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They all are running away from bikini soldiers and their leader, bikini cat.

Bucky yells,"It's the bikini apocalypse!"

Retxed puts his hands on his hips. He's wearing a pink polkadot bikini instead of a see through one. Retxed asks,"Does this look good on me?"

Dexter scowls and raises his eyebrows. "Of course it does, you idiot. It complements your stupidity."

While he is putting on a clown outfit, Ecila comes in doing the Harlem shake. Bucky screams and then facepalms.

Bikini cat says,"Wait I smell cheese. Bikinis find the cheese. By the way,  bikini cat loves cheese! Sorry that I forgot to tell you."

The bikinis say,"Cheeeeeeeeeeeseeee. I want cheeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee."

They all tried to find it.

Secretly, Bucky has it in his room with Starbucks coffee. He's smirking since everyone is so clueless. Dexter sees him.

Dexter says, "Bucky has it! Get him bikini cat."

"But I don't wanna." Says bikini cat in a childish way.

"Dexter has it!" says Bucky.

"Wait you have it!"

"No I don't!" says Dexter in a whiny voice.

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