A Sleepless Night

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"Blrgh..." I mumbled as Snowball pushed her small wet nose against the palm of my hand. I squeezed my eyes shut and then opened them, my sight flickering around my dark room. I swear I had just fallen asleep after the weird guy had left my thoughts so what time was it now? I rolled over to glance at my clock. It was almost eleven so I groaned again and tried to go back to sleep, but Snowball was persistent. She wriggled restlessly around me, trying desperately to wake me up. I continued to ignore her when I noticed a muffled noise humming. I sat up; my head cocked to one side and listened. After a while, the noise formed into a voice; and it was coming from the direction of my new neighbor. Again? I got grumbling angrily and pressed my ear up against the wall, my hair tucked behind my ear. I scrunched my face up in concentration as I heard the same rambling I had heard earlier today. My hand against the wall gradually formed into a hard fist. I was too tired for this, and now I knew he was there, I'll never get to sleep. I banged as hard as I could on the wall, my tightened fist hurt on impact. I couldn't hear what he was saying, but that didn't matter, especially at eleven at night. I sighed tiredly, realizing he couldn't hear me over his talking so I slumped back into bed.

I lay awake for about half an hour, staring at my ceiling, just waiting for him to freaking shut up. Before long, I couldn't take it anymore. If he couldn't hear me through the wall, I'll just get closer.

I pranced through the silent dark house and charged into the back garden, over to the spot I was watching him before. I pulled the branches back and leaned over the low white picket fence.

"HEY!" I shouted harshly, aiming my words over to his backdoor, which was open just a crack. I couldn't hear his rambling anymore but he emerged, a really scared and confused look on his face. He glanced around trying to find the source of the voice so I waved trying to get his attention.

"Yeah you!" I said, rolling my eyes.

"...Hello?" He said, seeming a bit unsure. I didn't want to embarrass him so I switched to polite.

"Yeah, um, hi. Can you just keep it down please? I'm trying to sleep..."

"Oh, yeah, yeah. Sure!" He grinned, turning sweet.

"...I'm serious...no more loud talking in your backyard..."

His face fell. "Well, uh, I need to talk loud to make my lazyvlogs more interesting..."

What did he say?

"You know, what I'm not even gonna ask..."


"What IS that?" I moaned, rubbing my eyes.

"A lazy unedited video blog..." He murmured, coming closer so he could see me properly. I backed away slightly, not wanting to get too close in case he was dodgy, but when I noticed he was wearing the same shirt as earlier I squinted to see.

"What does your shirt say?"

"Man, you ask a lot of questions..." He grinned.

"What can I say? You wake me up late so I have a right to get to know you..."

"It says Tobuscus, and listen, I have to get going and finish up my game commentary before midnight, but I promise I'll be quiet..."

"Whatever Mr. Tobuscus shirt man," I yelled as he went back inside. I stomped back up to my bedroom and threw myself into bed. Sure enough, I could hear his talking again after ten minutes.

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