I Know Who You Are Now

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I rubbed my temples.

I closed my eyes.

I thought long and hard.

I even tried pacing.

But I couldn't deny it.

...I think I was in love with him.

Dammit Lexie, I told myself, you're with Austin now, and that's where you'll stay. But I felt so confused. What was that nightmare all about? I drank my coffee heavily and quickly, trying to flood myself with some sort of idea. Suddenly, a thought popped up. What if that dream was a sub-conscious way of making me realize how much I loved Tobuscus? It's true; I have felt something special every time he says something and my spirits fly high when he makes me laugh. Austin can never do that. I don't feel that way around him. Maybe I'm tricking myself into thinking I love Austin, because I don't want to be alone. He's handsome and successful, and I've known him for such a long time I can't imagine life without him. But, compared with Tobuscus, my relationship with Austin just seems like an awkward friendship. But I barely know Tobuscus! How can I love him? I threw my head down on the kitchen counter with a thud, trying to beat some sense into my frazzled mind. When I looked up again, my laptop was the first thing that came into view. I narrowed my eyes are swerved over to it, going onto YouTube. If I don't know him in person, I'll just see what the internet know. I typed in Tobuscus on the search bar, and the first result that came up was a featured video. It was called 'LITERAL Assassin's Creed Revelations Trailer'. I hesitantly clicked on it, remembering him speak of something literal. When the intro 'Tobuscus' stormed onto the screen I recognized the stone font from his T-Shirt. This was him alright. As soon as it said 'Stargate, Ubisoft, SPARKLE', I giggled, goose bumps rocketing around my body, recognizing his voice. I laughed quietly to myself at his over exaggerated singing and after a while of exploring other literals, I came across an animation of him. I was also vaguely familiar with an accompanying character called Gabuscus, or Gabebuscus, as he protested. I think I had seen him somewhere before, maybe at the party. After an hour's time I had come to a conclusion. Tobuscus was a fun loving, family friendly man who has his own sense of humor which other people love. The comments agreed too. This was it. The man that I love. I let my heart pour out on the floor and I sighed deeply, staring into space. THIS is what love feels like. I cannot tell him anything though! Not Austin either. Speaking of which, Austin's footsteps came bounding down the stairs and I jumped away from my laptop quickly.

"What were you doing?" He asked suspiously.

"Nothing!" I grinned sweetly, going to kiss him.

"Good morning, my fiancé..." He sighed dreamily and I felt like kicking myself. How could I marry someone I didn't love, and let him believe I did? I pulled away sharply.

"What's wrong now?" Austin groaned, rolling his eyes.

"I don't want to hurt you...but...but I don't think I can marry you..." I stuttered quietly, my head hanging. What have I done?

A Tobusucs Next DoorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora