That Was Unexpected

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Lexie continued on the rest of the night normally, acting like she was happy. It was none of her business but she was worried about Tobuscus. He stood at the side and played with his phone, his eyes constantly at the floor. She tried to approach him in a number of times but she was always called away by Austin, or he would mumble something about needing the bathroom. She felt guilty and responsible for what had happened to him, and she felt as if she should be punished. Maybe he could pull pranks on her every day and she wasn't allowed to fight back? That was silly. She promised she wouldn't be part of this prank war anymore. The candles were lit and house had a beautiful golden feel to it, with a great atmosphere. After about an hour of chatting with someone, Tobuscus pulled Lexie over. She beamed, hoping he wanted to talk finally.

"I think I'm going to leave now," He mumbled, biting his lip. "This is a great party but I can't sit here in my own sorrow."

Lexie didn't want him to leave, but thought it was for the best. "Fine, I might see you tomorrow to see how you're doing, okay?"

He nodded sadly then went to make his way towards the front door. Lexie watched him go and her mouth twitched, wanting to stop him. Luckily, Austin took care of it.

"Where do you think you're going?" Austin said, pushing in front of Tobuscus.

"If it's all right, I was thinking of leaving. I'm kind of under the weather lately..." He answered back quietly.

"Nonsense! You'll miss the surprise!" Austin grinned, an almost evil nature to his smile. Tobuscus raised an eyebrow than walked back into the party reluctantly. He came back over to Lexie.

"What surprise?" He whispered smiling.

"You tell me," She sighed.

"I think I might make a break for it when he's not looking," Tobuscus smirked. Lexie laughed at the thought. Suddenly, the quiet music which was playing completely switched off and Austin attempted to get everyone's attention. People looked around confused.

Lexie's P.O.V

"Hey everyone!" Austin said as he took my arm and led me into the middle of the room. I looked around scared at all the eyes on me.

"Austin, what's going on?" I hissed to him but he ignored me. This must be the surprise. My mouth twitched into a smile as Austin continued.

"I have known Lexie for a very long time. I have even lost count of the years I've been with her!" He smirked, but people were still clueless and confused.

"I spend almost every single day with this woman, and I think, no, I KNOW that I'm in love with her..." He grinned. He took both of my hands and looked me in the eyes. I had a feeling of what was going on and I tingled inside, my heart could have willingly exploded. He cleared his throat then got down on one knee. The entire room gasped and my eyes widened. I glanced around in my nerves and I saw Tobuscus. He stared straight at me, he dropped his phone on the floor and the plastic cup in his other hand was crushed. His brown eyes were almost fearful looking. This saddened me the most. I swallowed and looked back at Austin. Visions of me with him at the altar flashed in my mind and I struggled to catch my breath. My shaking eyes glanced at everybody's faces. Their mouths were open, some were smiling and some were just waiting in suspense. Everyone looked pleased and happy, except for me, and Tobuscus. Austin narrowed his eyes because of my nervous glances but continued anyway.

"Lexie Ann Langford," He started, reminding me of my present fear. "Will you marry me?" The entire room started clapping and cheering even though I had not answered. You see, I have known Austin for so long they expected me to say yes.

Because I love him more than anything.

Because he is my life.

The only one I have.

"Y-Yes!" I cried, opening my arms. He picked me up and spun me round. Everyone cheered even louder as Austin crushed his lips to mine. I was wrapped up in the moment, realizing how much I loved this man, and how I could ever have doubted agreeing to the marriage. As I laughed and pulled away Tobuscus instantly popped into my mind once more. I attempted to look where he was before but all I saw was the crushed up plastic cup and the distant sound of the front door slam.

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