An Invitation and Infiltration

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"Ooh Lexie!" My mother's excited voice rang through my head. I was sitting at the dining table, a piece of toast in my mouth when she called for me. "Come here!"

I sighed and shifted out of my seat, dropping my undercooked toast on my plate.

"What?" I asked tiredly coming up behind her. I had heard her speaking to someone at the door.

"Ugh, you!" I groaned when I saw the Tobuscus guy standing in my porch.

"He wants to speak to you..." My mom trailed off leaving to go inside. She always knew when she wasn't wanted.

"Sooo, Lexie is it?" He grinned once she had left, leaning against the door. I crossed my arms at him.

"What's it to you?" I mumbled, wondering why he had bothered me so early.

"Well, I feel we got off to a wrong start. It's just... since I just moved in a couple of my friends are coming over tomorrow night for a small house warming party-"

"So you're going to be loud tomorrow night?" I asked, realizing my unfortunate neighbor was some sort of loud socialite.

"Well, maybe. That really depends if Jack starts singing..." He trailed off with a smirk, clearly amused by his own joke. I turned to walk back into the house but he stopped me.

"The real reason I came is to ask you if you wanna come to the party."

"Me?" I raised an eyebrow. "What interest would I have in entering a party where I don't know anyone?"

"My friends are all really nice, and you can bring a friend if you want..." He smiled, trying to reason with me. This reminded me that I have no friends, and Austin was the only person I had.

"Uh, my friends wouldn't want to come either..." I stuttered.

"Alright, suit yourself. But if you change your mind my door is always open..." He went out and jumped over the fence separating our gardens to go inside his own house. I let my eyes follow him until he was out of sight.


"Austin!" I cried as he walked into my sitting room. I jumped into his arms and he swung me around, grunting with my weight.

"Hey babe," He muttered, his eyes more fixed on the open back door. I kissed him but he was vacant, obviously fixed on something else.

"What is it?" I wondered, turning to see where he was looking.

"I think I just saw something run into the hedge..."

"That's probably Snowball," I assured him.

"No, Snowball right there," He pointed over to the sofa where Snowball was squashed up in between some pillows. I raised an eyebrow and crept outside.

"Was it big?" I asked Austin who followed me out.

"About the same size as your dog..."

I peered underneath the hedge, slightly withdrawn in case the creature attacked, but there was nothing there, only my new neighbor's white picket fence which had be broken in two, a small gap available. I watched his dog running around in his backyard through the small opening. I scowled then leaned back to get up, only to lose my balance and fall backwards onto the grass with a shriek. Austin laughed at me as I struggled and eventually stooped down to help me up. As I was elevated he made an over exaggerated gasp and a laugh.


"There is mud all over your back!"

"We're in California, I really doubt there will be wet mud anywhere..." I trailed off realizing I had the possibility of having crap down my back.

"Oh. My. God!" Austin cried, realizing this too as we both accounted the smudged brown patch smeared on the grass. Austin continued laughing so I slapped him hard on the arm while he ran away snickering. I tried to look behind me and saw Snowball sitting on the sofa through the open doors. Wait a minute. I don't let Snowball do her business in the garden. I take her out for a walk at the beginning of every single day so she can do it somewhere else. So whose is...this? I summed it all up in my head. The Mr. Tobuscus shirt's dog. He sneaked through the fence and pooped on my lawn! I screamed as loud as I could and stamped my foot angrily, throwing a tantrum in my backyard. I pulled my long hair out of the way of my back and went to get changed. Austin was just sitting watching TV when I came back down again. I had managed to calm myself down a bit and was now plotting revenge.

"Do you wanna go to a party tomorrow night?" I asked him as I walked past.

"You have been invited to one?"

"Yep, and we're gonna crash it..."

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