Crashing In

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I stood outside the door with Austin and knocked on the door hesitantly. I had been watching people come in for the past half an hour so I knew there was already about ten people here. Also, I was nervous. I don't like to admit it but I was. Me and Austin had decided to come yesterday so now we were standing outside the guy's house, dressed nicely of course, and waiting for him to answer the door. Austin grabbed my hand to show we dating when the door swung open.

"Oh hey!" My neighbor grinned, his usual 'Tobuscus' shirt on again. I couldn't help it and smiled back, even though I wanted revenge for his noise, which I still hadn't decided on yet. It was just the way he looks at you, anyone, it makes you smile no matter what. He welcomed us in and the small group of people whom I had seen come in before were sitting around talking. It wasn't much of a 'party', more like a get together. A little dog ran up to be and barked, snuffing madly at my knees. I patted him away and he trotted back into the comfort of a dark haired man. It was the same dog that pooped on my lawn. My teeth clenched but I couldn't stay mad at such a cute little pup. I looked around, my mind quite absent. The place was well kept, but lacking furniture. The wooden floors were polished and swept, and the room had a warm feeling with cream and brown colors. The Tobuscus shirt guy shushed everyone down and introduced me.

"Everyone, this is Lexie and...?" He nudged Austin.

"Austin," He grinned, although he seemed a bit too confident.

"...Anyway, Lexie's my new neighbor so I invited her round," The guy continued. Every single face in the room seemed friendly...and for some reason everyone seemed completely beautiful too. I know that sounds weird but almost everyone here was good looking. Twenty minutes later, after making awkward conversation with a few randomers, I put my plan to action. Pretending I needed the bathroom, I slipped into Tobuscus's bedroom when no one was looking. I pulled out the small tube of white powder from my handbag and pulled the cork off the top. I yanked his bed sheets back and hesitantly held the powder above it, wondering if this as a good idea or not. Then I remembered that this moment was to mark war, and then I realized how fun that sounds. I sprinkled the powder around, making sure it stayed away from my hands while I spread it. Checking to see the coast was clear, I slipped back out the room again and rejoined the party, acting like nothing had happened. After a while, further in the night, a guy with blondish brown hair with shiny blue eyes approached me.

"Hey I'm Jack," He grinned, his voice seemed quite rough but soft as the same time.

"Lexie," I smiled back shaking his hand. "How do you know...?" I pointed towards the Tobuscus guy, still unsure of his name.

"Tobuscus? I met him at Playlist Live, a YouTube convention," He looked past me and waved to someone who just walked into the house.

"Urm, excuse me," He smiled, slipping past to talk to the person who just came in.

"Hey guys! Sean Klitzner in the house!" Jack sang, going over to high five the guy. These people were weird. YouTube convention? What the hell? I decided to try and communicate with some of the girls here. I sat down on the sofa next to a girl with reddish brown hair and blue eyes. She looked up from her phone.

"Oh hi," She smiled. Her voice shocked me. It had some sort of weird accent, and I wanted to hear it again.

"I'm Lexie, and you are?"

"Olga," She nodded. Her eyes were thick with eyeliner and her lips were a light pink colour, and she was once again, very beautiful.

"Before you ask, I'm from Russia," She laughed. She must get that a lot.

"So how do you know...Tobuscus?" I decided to stay safe and refer to him as that.

"Well, like almost everyone here, I met him through YouTube."

"Why the obsession with the internet?" I smirked, thinking these people were even stranger.

"We're all You Tubers," She said slowly, putting emphasis on the 'er'. This made my heart drop for some reason.

"Really? So you guys are like...famous?"

"Yeah, in a twisted sense, yes," She got up to go and talk to a blond girl with a pink tank top on. I was seriously stressed now. I pulled Austin into a corner next to a red, black and white poster mounted on the wall.

"These people are internet celebrities," I breathed quietly to him, pretending to admire the poster. I suddenly realized it said Tobuscus on the bottom too. This was HIS poster.

"You're telling me, I just finished a conversation on audience demographics with a guy called Joe," He hissed.

"Maybe we should leave, before it gets too awkward..." I sighed, scratching my head in thought. Austin nodded and I went to inform Tobuscus that we were leaving. I found him in the kitchen.

"Just to let you know, me and Austin are gonna leave now," I called from the doorway.

"You've only been here two hours. Do you not want to stay longer?" He asked without looking at me from the fridge. I felt really uneasy at his kindness.

"...Just for future notice, can you tell me when you're going to be loud and when you're not?"


"And I mean, be really specific," I cut him off. "Make it obvious!"

"Whatever," He grinned, pouring some drinks out.

"Tobuscus!" A girl roared from the living room.

"I'm coming gurl!" He called back, trying to pick up about seven glasses at once. I watched him struggle then went to help.

"Here," I groaned, scooping up two cups in both hands.

"Thank you," He said in a lisp, proceeding to walk back into the main room. I followed him slowly. I watched as he handed out drinks to everyone and I handed my two drinks to Jack and the blond girl I had seen earlier.

"Thanks, I'm Justine by the way," The girl added, smiling brightly. I stood back to take one last glance at the small group of people, then turned to take my leave.

"Lexie! I promise I'll make myself obvious!" Tobuscus called just as I shut the front door.

I hope you will Tobuscus. I hope you will.

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