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Toby's P.O.V

I couldn't get her out of my mind. I almost told her about how much I loved her last night, but I was too cowardly. So there I was, laying on the sofa like some sort of lazy idiot surrounded by snacks and junk food I wasted myself on last night. I was reminded myself that to work all of this off was going to be about four hours walking on the treadmill. I sighed, frustrated, and then remembered my lies. I was never with Justine. I just wanted some sort of attention from Lexie so she'd have enough sympathy to like me. Because it's obvious she doesn't like me at all. She's engaged for Lord's sake. I mentally slapped myself.

Don't interfere with her life anymore Buscus, I told myself, shifting to move an empty Pringles tube off the sofa. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, because I was up all last night crying. Man tears. Obviously. But just as I was about to drop into a deep sleep, a sure but quiet smashing noise echoed around. I sat up quickly and pricked my ears. What the hell was that? It sounded like it was coming from the direction of- no that's silly. You're hallucinating Buscus! You want some excuse to go round there. But I'd just be a nuisance. Griffin hopped onto the sofa next to me and cuddled up, wanting some attention, which was unusual. I stroked him gently, staring into space. Then, just like before, more crashes were heard, but this time there was a lot of them. I sat up and Griffin whimpered. He was scared. He could hear it too. I kicked the thin blanket off my knees and pushed my head up against the wall, pulling a facial expression which meant concentration. Silence again. Then a muffled scream came from the other side of the wall and a banging vibration shook all over. It's like someone punched the wall exactly where I was standing...

I shot up and went outside, just peering slightly over to Lexie's house, a mixture of confusion and worry on my face. It was silent again. I MUST be imagining this. I can't and wasn't going to intrude because I promised myself I wouldn't invade her again. No matter what was happening, I wasn't a part of it at all. I trailed back inside and switched my computer on. This was a late start for me, and I needed to start making some Minecraft episodes. Then later I was going round to Gabe's so we could brain storm some new animated adventures. It was possibly my most easy going day of the week, but it felt like it was going to last forever with Lexie on my mind. There's just something about her that makes me smile...

I trailed off into thought and began to set up my recording equipment.


I came home into the darkened house and Griffin lollopped over, pushing his nose against my legs to try and get my attention. I sighed and dropped my grocery bags into the kitchen, too tired to put them away yet. I still hadn't caught up with the sleep I lost last night, so I was exhausted. I threw my weak body onto the sofa and switched on the TV. Now for some quality time with Toby, I thought, trying to see what shows were on. I found myself forcing my eyes open and just a sudden out of the blue thought came into my mind. My hot tub. I still hadn't tried it yet. Using all my will power, I rolled off the sofa again and went out into the backyard just to check it out. When I was about halfway down the garden the dim light from the deck cast the slightest glow onto it, and I swear I saw something unusual. I narrowed my eyes and came closer, and then I groaned. The entire thing was plastered with dry mud. I examined it closer to make sure I wasn't mistaken but the proof was in the pudding. This looked fine the other day...wait! This must be Lexie's doing! If she is prepared to pull another prank that means our strange friendly relationship can continue. I swear I have never been so happy to see something new is completely ruined!

"Yes!" I whispered to myself, flicking bits of mud out from between my fingers. I need to get revenge! I put my plan straight to action, unable to wait. After ten minutes I had collected up a suitable amount of mud into a bucket. I grinned mischievously and clambered over the fence to her backyard. Not wanting to attract much attention I slowly tried to open her backdoor. Luckily, it was unlocked. I didn't look inside but I opened the door just a crack, managing to just balance the bucket on the top of the door. I laughed quietly to myself then sneaked back into a bush, and, finding some gravel, I threw it at the door. There was complete silence for a long time so I was about to throw another handful but a voice came into focus. I perked up instead, realizing it wasn't Lexie.

"...hope you've learned your lesson. If you even dare to try and do anything, I will KILL you..." I heard someone say harshly. My heart sank. What was going on? I stood up and came closer, but then saw the risk. Instead, I saw the opportunity and threw more rocks against the door, and sure enough, Austin came down and let me rain on his parade...

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