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The bright startling headlights passed over the window suddenly, giving me a shock. I had forgotten to close the curtains, so I got up to shut them, so I wouldn't have anymore lights through my window. I had not noticed before but it has raining heavily, and the glass had streaks of water running down. Just as I tugged the curtains over, something caught my eye. I stopped for a second and pushed my cheek up against the cold window pane to get a better look. In the pitch black street where the rain fell thickly, where the yellow glows from the street lights cast halos of light, where not a sound could be heard but the continuous pitter patter of droplets and where no one could be seen anywhere. Apart from one person. The car that had just passed my house was a taxi. And it stopped outside Toby's house. My mouth dropped open. He stood there completely still, his bags at his feet, and letting the rain soak him to the skin. The taxi pulled away, its headlights disappearing into the fog. It was too dark to see too well, but Toby was staring straight ahead at my house, obviously unable to see me from my position. Then we made eye contact. That moment made my breath catch in my throat. As soon as I saw him look at me I dropped the blanket from my waist, ran out the room, flung the front door open and raced out into the rain towards him. I screamed his name and as I felt the piercing cold rain belt down onto me, I realized I was still in my PJs. But that didn't matter. What matters is that now he was running towards me too, his arms held open, his lips stretched into a smile and his hair plastered to his face from the rain. My heart swelled madly as if it had soaked up the water itself from my skin, and the warmth surged around me faster than anything I have felt before. We met in the middle of the road and he scooped me up in his arms and, spinning me around, kissed me frantically all over. I had no idea what was happening, but the only thing that I knew is that I was here, and he was here, and that was perfect. I pushed my fingers into the hair at the sides of his face and crushed my lips onto his. And he kissed me back. I couldn't tell if the droplets rolling down my cheeks was cold rain or thick warm tears, but I knew I was crying my heart out.

"I thought you were gone! I'm so sorry! I almost left you!" He cried into my lips, but I just held him tighter. Now we were completely soaked, but neither one of us cared, because it was nice and warm in emotional embrace. It seemed everything around us disappeared, into the white cloudy fog, so it felt like we were suspended in heaven, surrounded by the infinite white skies. So there we were, kissing in the rain, the one moment I will always remember.

Sometimes, you love someone. Sometimes that person seems to be the one, and you can't think of a life without them. But maybe that love is just a cover, just a cover so you don't end up alone, because love is the one thing you desire. But you think you love them, because you want to. And the thought of someone loving you back is what keeps you going. Perhaps if you look properly, you will find real love, because it may not be that far away.

In my case, my prologue told the story. Just like Romeo and Juliet. Without the whole dying thing though.

So from then on, me and Toby lived happily. Austin vanished from our minds and we were content with the thought that he was rotting away in prison. For once, I wasn't lonely. Toby's friends were amazingly nice and funny, and I became so much more open and friendly to strangers. Toby changed me somehow. I started to be recognized in the street by Audience members, usually when I was with Toby though, but they knew my name. Our dogs got on really well and you could usually find Griffin and Snowball prancing around the back yard, gleefully playing with each other. Toby and I would watch them grinning, as it could go on for a long time. I made a YouTube account just so I could subscribe to Toby's channels. He educated me on YouTube, from viral videos to internet stars, and every moment was enjoyable. I'm summing all this up while I sleep next to him in bed, with his arms around me, his curly brown hair tickling my face. He sometimes broke into smiles in his sleep, and they make me laugh quietly. My moments of fear were always abolished by his presence, like a bright light in a dark place. I know a lot of people feel the same way about Toby all over the world, but the one thing I know is that my entire life changed.

When he moved in next door.

The End.

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