Our Last Embrace

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Toby's P.O.V

Only a shattering crash and piercing scream came from Austin, as the bucket of mud did not only spill over him, but smacked him over the head. I stood up again but remained silent, as just behind Austin, through the open door, the writhing and weak body of Lexie lay there, and my heart caught in my mouth. I could see her breathing and letting her mattered bloody hair twist around her fingers. Her gaze was absent and her skin was so pale. She was alive, but barely. How I observed this in a matter of seconds was legendary. I knew what I had to do. While Austin was still in shock, I shot out of the bushes, ready to attack...

Third Person P.O.V

Austin scrambled madly, trying hard to believe what was happening. One minute he was about to leave Lexie for dead, then the next a tall man with an exaggerated facial expression was running towards him with his fist raised just over his shoulder. Without time to think, the man's fist cracked into his jaw and he fell to the ground. His vision blurry, Austin looked up in disgust to see Tobuscus standing over him, easier to recognize in the light from the house. He was about to get up and fight back but before he could do anything, his vision blacked out.

"Lexie?" His fearful voice rang out in the eerie silence. She twitched and tried to turn to look at him. With much effort, she saw him standing in the doorway, his mouth wide open. She relaxed slightly and dropped down again, as it became even an extreme effort to breathe. His sighs rushed out as he ran to her side and dropped to his knees, not caring if the shattered glass on the floor cut him. She had her eyes closed, and her breathing was weak, so he had to make this quick. At first, he was too scared to touch her in case it hurt, so instead he gazed mournfully at her. Her cream carpet was grey in the dim night light and shattered glass lay everywhere, some pieces with drops of blood on. He brushed them away quickly and tried to get some sense out of her. He HAD to touch her. He put his hand behind her head and propped her up, so he could see her properly. She wasn't responding. Was she dead? Toby's eyes turned glossy with tears and small sobs escaped from his lips. He sucked in his breath. What has he done to her?

"Lexie?" He said softly, patting her face gently, where he saw there was no cuts or bruises. She stirred and opened her eyes, but her face flickered with pain. She flinched and she made a groaning noise, indicating something was wrong with her arm. Upon further inspection, Toby realized red wet blood was oozing out of a nasty gash on her forearm. He brushed away the running blood and noticed the cut was carved into the shape of a heart. He bared his teeth and started sobbing gently, knowing this was possibly the end for Lexie. She reached out her, arm shaking.

"H-help...me..." She whispered, her voice quivering.

Lexie's P.O.V

My thoughts were simple. Like my brain was shutting down. Pain surged violently all over me and I watched helplessly as Tobuscus phoned the police and an ambulance. Once he did, he tossed the phone aside and came back to me. He propped my head up like he did before and I tried to speak, but he shushed me.

"I think some introductions are at hand..." He whispered, tears spilling down his cheeks. He pushed the bridge of his nose against mine and held me close. I felt his warm tears drop onto my face and my heart would burst if it wasn't dying already.

"My name is Toby," He whispered in my ear and I forced the corners of my mouth to smile. Toby. I like the sound of that. There was so much I wanted to say, but who can say how much time I had left? That didn't matter. As long as I can spend my final moment's right here, right next to Toby, right now. I squeezed my eyes shut and attempted to hug him back, but darkness over took my sight.

Toby's P.O.V

I pulled away from her once I felt her body become stiff and I could see my own tears running down her face. I watched as she blinked one last time, and a final thick precious tear rolled down her colorless face. My entire body ached with internal pain. I sniveled and held her close again, not remembering how much it could hurt her. I bunched her body up in my arms, my head on her shoulder.

"I love you," I sobbed over and over again. She was gone. That brutal idiot murdered her. I glared harshly over her shoulder at Austin lying knocked out on the deck. I could hear piercing sirens in the distance, so I knew I had to make the most of my last time with her. I lay her body over my knees and rested her head on the crook of my arm. I examined every last detail of her face, making sure I will remember what it will look like. I hummed gently and stroked her cheeks, wiping away any visible blood from her face. I found myself in a mad state and kept reassuring her how much I loved her. When I heard the cars pull up outside I gave her one last embrace. For some reason, my distraught state brought me back to Romeo and Juliet for some reason. I couldn't remember much of it, but I studied it for a long time at school, and I've watched the movie a few times too.

"Eyes look you last, arms take your last embrace and lips, oh you the doors of breath, sealed with a righteous kiss..."

I trailed off and pushed my lips onto hers just as I heard the running of footsteps into the house.

"I love you too," She suddenly murmured and I jumped, just as I was pulled away by the paramedics. Austin was seized and the police were all over me, and in the sudden buzz of what was a matter of minutes I saw my love being carted away, and I was left standing in her house, my expression distraught and just as empty...

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