Chapter 21

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Gaara's PoV

I smiled as I held Hachi's hand and began to walk towards the oasis.  She froze suddenly and her hand slipped out from my hand.  I could smell blood suddenly and was about to smirk, but something was off about it.  I turned around and watched in horror as Hachi's neck dribbled out a small stream of blood.  I looked away and tried to avoid the scene, but the smell of blood was still in the air. 

I looked back, afraid to see what was going to happen.  There was only a small amount of silver sand laying there.  The sand blew away suddenly and nothing was left.  My insides began to boil as I fell onto my knees.  Sand flew up and surrounded me in a dark dome.  Water began to flow down my cheeks slowly at first, and then it sped up.  The ground gave way under my knees and I fell onto my side.

Hachi's PoV

Kakashi carried me in his arms while the tears fell down my face.  "How?"  The question kept bubbling to the surface over and over again as I watched the ground under us change from sand to grass. 

"It happens."  He whispered over and over again.

The days went by, but I didn’t stay in Leaf Village for very long, I began to travel around with Bibu and the time went by slowly.  Finally, I decided to visit the Sand Village.  I got through the gates and saw that not much had changed.  My eyes landed on an odd pair, Temari and Kankuro, who were walking straight towards my.  They looked different, besides the fact that they were older now, they looked sadder.  I froze, making Bibu run into my legs. 

"What's wrong?"  She asked as she looked around my legs and froze.  She stepped out to the side.  Temari and Kankuro stopped a few feet in front of me.  Temari glared at me.

"You know that you aren’t allowed to do that."  She said coldly, startling me.

"Excuse me, Temari, you don’t recognize me?"  I stepped back.  She sighed.

"You're lucky that Gaara hasn’t seen you."  She said as she was about to grab my elbow.  A wall of water blocked her hand.  She stepped back this time.  Kankuro stepped forward and grabbed her and held her up.

"It can't be!"  Kankuro said as he looked at me closely.  Bibu let out a growl suddenly and turned towards Kankuro.

"You died…"  Temari mumbled as she shook her head.

"No, I've been alive."  I said slowly.  Kankuro ran over towards me, grabbed my elbow, and pulled me away from the main road and towards a huge building.  He pulled me into a building and left Bibu outside. 

"What happened to you?"  Temari asked, apparently over the shock of my sudden appearance. 

"At least Gaara isn’t here."  Kankuro said as he sighed. 

"Where is he?"  I looked around to see that we were in their house. 

"He went out into the desert."  She said slowly, studying my reaction.

"Why?"  I asked in a confused voice.  The door started to open and Temari freaked out, dragging me into a room, Gaara's room. 

"What's wrong with you?"  A cold voice asked sharply.  Suddenly something shattered.

"Oh crap!"  Kankuro said after the familiar growl of Bibu broke through the tense atmosphere.  Something slammed up against the wall, followed by a crunch.  Temari held me back.

"How did that get here?"  Gaara said coldly.

"Temari let me out.  I have to know what happened!"  I whispered to her quickly.

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