Chapter 07

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"Well, how was your trip to the tower?”  The moon began to rise.

"Long, boring, and I got a headache from Kankuro."  He said.  I sat up a little, making him do the same.  I gave him a small smile.

"I can clear it up for you, and I can help you sleep."  I inched over to him.  He looked at me in surprise.  "Lay down, and close your eyes."  I began to make hand signs.  Water surrounded my hand, making it look like it was crystal.  He did as he was told, but before he closed his eyes he shot a 'You better not screw up' look at me.  I smiled at him reassuringly. 

I placed your hand on his forehead.  He instantly fell into a deep sleep.

Gaara's PoV

She placed her hand on my forehead.  I instantly fell into a deep sleep, but I was in a dream.

*"Hey Gaara, can you come over here and help me with this sign?"  I heard a voice ask.  When I jerked around, no one was there.

"Gaara, tell me the truth!"  Another voice said behind me.  I jerked around and saw that Hachi was standing there, but she looked different.  Before I could ask her what, she disappeared into a deep fog.

A scream broke through the fog.  The fog turned red and it smelt like blood.  "No, get away from me, I'm not like that!"  I screamed out into the fog as a pair of yellow eyes began to glow.  The eyes grew bigger.  Suddenly a shadow jumped in front of me and we disappeared. 

A shiver ran down my back as the shadow turned towards me.  The shadow wrapped me into a hug.  When my hands went up to return the hug, the figure dissolved into sand and fell to the floor.  "No…"  I whispered out.  Tears began to run down my face.*

Hachi's PoV

A shiver ran down Gaara's back.  Gaara reached for something, but then his hands collapsed to his side.  "No…"  He whispered out.  When tears began to line his face, I pulled him into a hug, taking my hand off of his forehead.  His eyes shot open and he hugged back, tears still staining his face.

"I'm so sorry Gaara!"  I whispered into his ear.  He began to shiver.  "Let's go inside, it's too cold for you to be out here."  I stood up.  Gaara wiped away his tears, showing no sign that he had been crying.  I could sense that Hinata and the others were there.  "Gaara, I'm going to go say hi to a few friends, see ya!"  I disappeared.  (Haha, I'm going to skip again!) 

*Skip ahead to the pre-rounds!*

The rounds went on.  When it was down to Neji versus Hinata you saw that it was going downhill, fast!  I appeared in between Neji and Hinata.  The other shinobi followed my lead.  Rock Lee and Gaara were battling.  Lee wasn't doing very well.  Gaara was about to kill him in fact.  When I jumped in front of Lee, the sand stopped instantly. 

"Enough!"  Lee was standing up, but he wasn't fully awake.  The meds took him away.  I appeared next to Temari.

"Wow, you're brave."  She said as she turned to me.  We shared smiles. 

"Thanks!"  I said as Kankuro walked over to us.

"Hey, Hachi!"  He said as he raised his hand in a high five.  I granted him the high five.

"Great job on your battle."  I said as the computer chose other people.  The battles continued, and I was thankful that I didn't have to step in anymore.  The people that went on were overjoyed.  "Thank god that it's over!"  I started to walk away.  I disappeared and reappeared at the hospital.  (Here I go again!)


At the hospital later.  Someone was screaming.  I sighed as I saw Naruto.  "Shut up you idiot!"  I popped him on the back of his head. 

Silver Sand (Gaara Love Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz