Chapter 19

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???'s PoV

I glared down at the two.  I looked closely at Gaara, his eyes were shut, but he couldn’t possibly be asleep, it was impossible!  The girl's hand was on his forehead and covered in a green ice like cover.  The sun came up slowly, and their eyes still didn’t open, the girl moved her ice covered hand over her face and Gaara's eyes shot open and he glared at me.

"What are you doing here, Kankuro?"  He asked me as he just glared up at me.  I smirked down at him. 

"Temari sent me ahead to see what happened to her, but looks like she's fine.  Oh yeah, Temari is going to cook lunch today."  I said as he looked back at Hachi.  Her eyes opened up slowly and she looked around slowly. 

"Why is Kankuro here?"  She asked as she stretched her arms out.  She sat up suddenly and looked at the sun.

"I decided to see if you two were making out yet."  I smirked at her reaction and she glared at me, making me shift my weight uncomfortably.  She smirked suddenly.

Hachi’s PoV

"I decided to see if you two were making out yet."  He smirked at my reaction and I just glared at him.  I heard him shift his weight.  I smirked suddenly and appeared with Gaara on his bed.

"That's one way to shut him up."  Gaara said as I placed my head on his pillow.  A cloud of dust flew up from the pillow, making me cough.

"How long has it been since you've slept in here?"  I sat up and coughed some more.  He looked at me like I was crazy.

"I hope that you have a gut of iron or something even close to that."  He said, changing the subject. 

"Not really.  Why?"  I questioned as I looked at him closely.

"Let's just say that the closest thing that Temari makes to edible is just plain water."  He said as he looked away. 

"So what do you do with the food then?"  I was beginning to become confused.  The corners of his mouth turned up slowly.

"You'll have to find out."  He said as he tried to hide him amusement.  Kankuro burst through the doors suddenly.

"She's started!"  He said in a panicked voice.  Gaara stood up suddenly and I did the same.  I followed them as Kankuro began to act like a wannabe spy, darting from corner to corner.

"Why do you do that, Kankuro?  I can sense your chakra."  Temari sighed as she put her knife down.

"It makes me look cool though!"  He complained as he walked into the kitchen normally.  I inhaled as I walked in and smelled smoke, lots of smoke.  I coughed violently as a cloud of smoke floated through the kitchen. 

"What are you cooking this time?"  Gaara asked as Temari ran over towards the stove.  She turned it off.

"Enchiladas."  She said as she opened the oven and smirked.  She pulled out a tray and a huge pile of black goop was on the plate.  I gulped at the scent. 

"Is that all that you made?"  Kankuro asked as he looked around for some more food.

"No!  I made trail mix, beans, and rice!"  She said as she walked over towards some of the other pans and more smoke flew up into the air.  I walked out of the room and Gaara followed.

"Told you that she can't cook."  He said as he watched me turn a little green.

"I thought that you were just being a brother."  I said as the greenness disappeared. 

"No, that's Kankuro's job.  Anyway, I'm the quiet one in the family."  He said as Kankuro found Temari's fan and began to use it around the kitchen, nearly knocking over almost everything in the kitchen.  Temari soon got after him with a few knives.

"She wouldn’t seriously stab him, would she?"  I watched him drop the fan and run out of the kitchen.  Gaara chuckled softly.

"She has in past years, but ever since the last one, he's learned to run like hell when she pulls out the machete."  Gaara said as he pulled me into a warm hug. 

"Lunch is ready!"  Temari yelled out happily, like Kankuro had never been born.

"How did she get done so fast?"  I asked him quietly.

"She turned it up all the way, and burns everything in around a minute of two."  Gaara said as Kankuro appeared in his seat.  Temari brought out the food and placed it on the table, along with enough smoke to make a cigar store jealous.  I sat down across from Kankuro.  Temari sat on my left and Gaara on the opposite side.

"Dig in!"  Temari said energetically. 

Kankuro smirked as he grabbed a handful and chucked it at Temari.  She glared at him, and from there it went downhill.  I picked up some food and chucked it at Gaara, hitting him in the face.  Temari threw some at me, Kankuro threw some at Gaara, and Gaara threw some at all of us.  I giggled as the room was covered with burned enchiladas. 

"Who will be da winner?"  Kankuro asked as all of us stood up. 

"Not me."  I pulled out some food from my hair.

"The winner is… Gaara! Again…"  Kankuro said as I looked at Gaara.  He only had stuff on him that I had thrown at him. 

"That's it, I need a shower!"  I felt some of the burned sauce get between my toes.

"You can use my shower."  Gaara said calmly.  I stared at him closely, making sure that he wasn’t lying.  When he didn’t move, I knew that he was telling the truth. 

"Ok, thanks!"  I walked slowly towards his room. 

I got all of my clothes ready and took them into the bathroom.  The shower was nice, along with everything else.  I took my shower quickly, making sure to get the food in my ears out.  I sighed as I got dressed quickly and knocked on the door.  No one answered.  I shrugged as I walked through the door and saw a dark figure in the corner.  I froze as Kakashi walked out of the shadows. 


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