Chapter 05

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I’m so sorry that this chapter is to short! 

And I’m also very sorry for the span of no uploads!  I was away on a vacation and everywhere we went either had no internet or we got in too late for me to upload.  Finally find a place that has internet though. :D

Thank you everyone for the comments and votes!  And thank you to Rainy-Round for always commenting! :)


"Shut up Kankuro!"  I barked out as the movie started.  Kankuro pushed my shoulder lightly and I sent him a mock glare before turning back to the movie.  Someone knocked on the door.  Temari jumped up and opened the door.  Sasuke stood there.

"Hey, is Hachi here?"  He asked as he tried looking passed her.  When I jumped up, Kankuro also tried to jump up from his beanie bag but it got stuck on his butt.  Giggling softly, I scanned the room for Gaara.  "Hey Hachi, you want to go train?"  Blushing a little, Sasuke shuffled his feet at the door.  Something was wrong.  Sasuke never acted like this around me. 

"Sure, but Gaara has to come with me."  With another scan of the room, my eyes landed on Gaara as he walked into the room from the kitchen.  Confusion crossed his face before he figured out what I was saying.  When he walked over to my side, Sasuke glared at him.  Without acknowledging Gaara’s presence, Sasuke started to walk away.  Sasuke had done this before, so I knew to follow him to wherever he wanted to go train.  I ended up following Sasuke while Gaara followed behind me, making a little train. 

Sasuke stopped in a training field.  He turned to me, I almost turned to Gaara but stopped myself. 

"Hachi, can we talk alone?"  He asked as he glared at Gaara over my shoulder.  Gaara was glaring at him in turn but I shook my head.  Sasuke sighed as he leaned in towards me.  "Tell me, why do you have to have a body guard?"  He asked as he jerked his head towards Gaara.  I giggled softly as he pulled away.

"Well, for all you know, I might like being around people other than you."  I joked around with him.  He gave me a stern look that told me he was being serious.  Crossing my arms, I answered him, "Well, I guess that Kakashi doesn't think that I can protect myself."  The answer was close enough to the truth yet it didn’t give anything away.  Sasuke accepted it, but he crossed his arms over his chest, expressing his annoyance with the answer.  "So, what about the training--" My sentence was cut short as Sasuke aimed a punch at my gut.  I appeared beside Gaara.

"Did you think that I didn't want to really train?"  He asked with a smirk.  Suddenly, my watch began to go off.

"Hold that thought, I have to go and do something."  I smiled at Sasuke with apologetic eyes.  "Thanks for your time Gaara."  With a smile, I turned and walked a little before stopping and turning to face the two males.  A quick wave goodbye and then I disappeared from their view. 

Reappearing on a rooftop in the village, I glanced down at my watch, which was still going off.  Bringing down my hand on the little band, the sound stopped.  The sun began to set over the horizon, lighting everything in an orange glow.  "Thank god for full moons."  Humming to myself, I laid down on the roof.  The moon was beginning to become more visible until it was a clear picture.  "They should be gone from the lake by now."  I thought out loud before disappearing from the roof and appearing in the middle of the lake.   

The moon was starting to rise in the sky.  A song started to play in my head.  Obeying the rhythm, I started to dance around on the water.  The feeling of being watched made me freeze.  With wide eyes, I scanned the edge of the water and froze when I noticed a pair of eyes watching my every little move.  My face heated up as the eyes approached me. 

"Gaara!"  I exclaimed as he stepped out of the shadows.  The wind blew quickly, but it stopped when our eyes met.  An orb of water surrounded me but I walked over towards the shore.

"Well, what you do in your free time doesn't matter to me, but I need to know where you are."  He said calmly.  The wall of water fell down and I was standing right in front of him, cheeks still a little warm.  I smiled at him quietly. 

"I have a few words of wisdom that I learned while I was traveling."  Getting in his face, I ignored his last comment.  He staggered backwards, but a wall of water stopped him from escaping.  "If you guard your heart with barbed wire, you'll be treated like a prisoner to everyone else and yourself, but if you leave the door to your heart open, you'll soon feel like a door mat."  The wall disappeared as I finished.  Gaara looked puzzled at this.

"What does it mean?"  He asked as he looked back at me.  I did an anime fall.

"It means that if you open up to people, they might treat you different, but if you open up too much, people will abuse you."  I grumbled out and brushed away some dirt that had gotten onto Gaara's face.  He blushed slightly, but he turned away before I could do anything.

"I've already tried that, but they treat me like a monster!"  He said in a distant kind of way.  The smile dropped from my face and a few leaves blew between us.  *He's just like I was before I left!*  I thought with a pang of sorrow as he turned back around to face me slowly.  Without thinking, I hugged him. 

"I know how you feel, that's how I used to view the world, but luckily I had Sasuke to help me see the light!"  I mumbled loud enough for him to hear me as I pulled away from the hug.  Gaara’s cheeks looked like they had been freshly painted with a cherry red shade. 

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