Chapter 17

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“Which do you prefer?”  I walked over to him as he began to spit out water.  I started to act like a puppet master and made him get down on both of his knees.  I jerked my fist back and most of the water came flying out of him.  “I’ll leave some water in you, just in case you try to act up!”  The water surrounded me.  Bibu jumped next to me and I smirked at the flailing Kimimaro.

I smirked at him and he glared at me.  “NO!”  He yelled as he ran at me with a fresh bone in his hand.  I began to make jerky movements like puppet masters I had seen. 

“What are you doing?”  Lee asked as he watched my movements.  I just kept it up while they looked at me like I was crazy.  I stopped moving and Kimimaro started to make useless movements.

“How did you do that?”  Gaara asked as Hayai sniffed me.  I giggled and smiled softly at him.

“Well, I just happened to put some of my water into him a long time ago.”  His jaw fell open and he watched as Kimimaro began to dig into the ground with his bones.  Gaara closed his mouth and started to make hand signs.  The little hole that Kimimaro had dug suddenly sucked him in and he disappeared under the ground.

"That should finish him off."  Gaara said as he turned around and hugged me.  I fell forward and Gaara caught me.

Gaara's PoV

"That should finish him off."  I turned around and hugged Hachi.  She fell forward and I caught her.  The ground where Kimimaro had been sucked in cracked and he jumped out of the ground. 

"Aw, poor baby, she fell asleep!"  Kimimaro sneered after he spit out some more blood.  He walked towards me slowly.  I placed Hachi down softly and turned to face Kimimaro.  "That's the bad thing about her, she runs out of energy quickly, but that's what made her such a good assassin.  She made it quick and clean, not a trace."  He said as he was a few yards away. 

A wall of sand appeared in front of me as I was about hit him, but he appeared in front of my sand.  He was about to stab me in the eye, but he smirked and appeared behind me.  I jerked around and saw that he was standing over Hachi with a bone being blocked by a wall of water.  He drove it in deeper and broke through the water.  Kimimaro drove the bone down into her arm in the same second.  A wave of sand rammed into him, but before it hit him the bone went through her arm and her bone snapped.  I clenched my fist and the sand wrapped around Kimimaro.  He smirked up at me.

"She will die in the next three hours; special venom was covering that bone."  He snickered and then he went limp.  I looked away from him and looked at Hachi.  Her eyes were opened, but they were glazed over with pain.  I picked her up and saw that a purple liquid was in her oozing blood.  I glared at the dead body of Kimimaro, jumped away, and disappeared through the vegetation.


After an hour of running I was at the front of the gates.  I grimaced when I saw that Hachi's eyes were closed now and that she was running out of time.  I appeared with her in my arms in front of the hospital.

"Why, Kazekage-sama, what are you doing here?"  A doctor asked me as I walked through the doors.  He looked down at Hachi and gasped instantly.  He took her from my hands and ran with her towards the operating rooms.  I walked around helplessly.

"Kazekage, what are you doing here?"  An old voice asked from behind me.  I turned around slowly and saw that it was the head elder.  My back stiffened and I glared at him.

"What does it matter to you?"  I sent him a death glare.

"We need you to sign some paperwork, if you would follow me."  He said calmly, he was used to me glaring at him. 

"I'm staying here."  I tried to turn my back to him, but he reached out for my shoulder and a wall of sand appeared before he could touch me.

"Well, you're on edge, is Temari or Kankuro in the hospital?"  He asked as I tried to walk away from him, but he followed me.

"No."  I said quickly as I sat down in the waiting room.  The doctor that had taken in Hachi walked into the waiting room and walked towards me.  I slouched in my chair as he approached.

"Kazekage sir, the girl is doing fine, we got out all of the poison out of her system and is awake, she's asking for you."  He said as he bowed to the elder.  The elder shot me a glare as I stood up.

"You didn’t!"  The elder yelled at me as I followed the doctor.  I walked with the doctor into the room and the doctor turned around to face the elder.

"I'm sorry elder; you can't go in, only one visitor at a time."  The doctor said.  The elder shot him a death glare and the doctor got out of the way.  I walked into the room and saw that Hachi was awake.  She had an IV in her and looked pissed.  When I walked in she smiled weakly.

"What the hell is this?"  The elder asked as he approached me.  I walked over to her side and ignored him.  She reached out with her hand shakily.  I grabbed onto it and glared at the elder as he walked over in front of the bed.  Hachi glared at him, making him flinch.

"Hhhh…. Mmmmm…. Hhhhh!!!"  She mumbled while glaring at the elder.

"Now I see why you like her.  The council is going to have a fit about this, but I bet that she is going to put up a fight over all of that."  He smirked as he watched her closely, the monitor began to beep loudly and she tried to stand up.  I held her down and she started to calm down.

"You need to leave now."  I glared at him while I said it.  He smiled and left.

"May I stand up now?"  She asked in her normal voice.  I smiled down at her.  The monitor screeched as water zoomed around her and everything connected to her skin was cut to pieces.  She gasped in air and stretched.

"What do you think you're doing?"  I watched her bandages fall to the ground and her skin looked normal.

"Sorry, I don’t like hospitals."  She said as she jumped out of the bed and landed at the front of the bed.  She smiled at me, making me smile.  "Ready to go?"  She asked as she held out her hand.  I made my smile go away.  She smirked and charged and tackled me.  Right before my back was going to hit the wall, we disappeared in a speck of sand and appeared in my room.


This is getting so close to the end of this series! :D

Now, I understand that he wasn’t Kazekage at this point in the anime series.  Seeing as it is my version of Naruto, he is the Kazekage at this point in it. 

This really hasn’t been edited thoroughly and thus is probably terrible. 

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