Chapter 03

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(Ok, I skipped over the Chunnin Exams right now, they'll come back up in chapter 6, so just hold on, this story isn't going to follow the series, and Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro are living in the Leaf, I'll explain it in the story, now read on!  Oh yeah. “***” means a short lapse in time.)

"What was that for?"  I yelled at Kakashi as he ran down another alley with me in his hands.  He sighed.

"Sorry, I didn't think that you would jump in front of me when I was showing Sasuke how to use Chidori!"  He said as he walked into the hospital.

"Oh my, what happened?"  A nurse asked as she picked me up and ran me into an emergency room.  Slowly, my eyes began to fall.  The world faded into darkness as the pain began to increase.


My eyes opened and I jerked forward.  Pain emanated from my side.  Without looked at my side, I knew that I would see either a huge gap where my side should be or a lot of bandages.  Luckily, it was the latter.  "Well, good morning!"  A girl voice said on my left.  I looked around and saw that it was that Sand ninja from the alley.  "When you first came in I didn't think that you would ever wake up."  She went on.  She smiled at me warmly.  I smiled back at her, feeling weird since my smile was forced while her was genuine.

"What are you in here for?"  I asked as she sat up a little.  She closed her eyes for a second.  When she opened them back up she was looking at the ceiling.

"I had a bad case of the flu."  She started to have a coughing fit, but she calmed down after a few seconds.  "It isn't contagious anymore, don't worry."  She said as I looked her over in worry and shock.

"I'm glad that you're better."  I said as I smiled at her again.  She smiled back at me.

"Thanks, but I don't think that I'll be in here for a very long time."  She said.  Someone knocked on the door and Kakashi stepped in.  I crossed my arms.

"Hachi, I'm sorry about the thing about almost killing you."  He said as he rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.  I giggled softly and uncrossed my arms.

"It's okay; I'll be out of here by tomorrow."  I said as I looked down at my side.  The bandage was starting to be torn apart by some water. 

"It wouldn't surprise me, but you need to relax, stress is one of the things that got you in this situation."  Kakashi said as he walked towards the door.  "Oh, and Temari, you're brother is coming, the one with the red hair."  Kakashi said as he pointed to his head.  Temari nodded her head and Kakashi walked out of the room. 

"Wait, why are you guys here?"  I asked as I turned to her.  The door opened before she could explain.  Gaara looked at me when we stepped in.  Gaara walked over to a chair and sat down without a word, but he didn't take his eyes off of me.  Our eyes met and I felt something move inside of my chest.

"Uh, Hachi, right, this is my little brother, Gaara."  She said.

"Hn."  Was all that Gaara said.  She giggled at this quietly.

"Nice to meet you."  I said as I smiled at him warmly.  A nurse walked in, breaking the awkward silence before it could fully kick in.  She walked over to me bed and made me flip over on my side.  She looked at my bandage and gasped in what sounded like horror and shock but probably was in annoyance more than anything. 

"What did you do to the bandaging?"  She asked as she pulled off the scraps.  I looked at it and giggled softly.

"A bad habit of mine, sorry."  I smiled at her.  She smiled back at me, this time her smile was forced.  She gasped once more once she had taken off all of the bandaging.  She ran out of the room and left me there.  When I shifted to look at my side, all I saw was my smooth skin.  Nothing was growing off of my back and my back wasn’t even hairy.

"Well, I guess that I'm going home, see ya around."  I jumped off of the bed.  The landing was a little stiff but silent at the front of my bed.  I lifted my hands and I was lifted into the air.  A water orb surrounded me.  The water disappeared and revealed that I had my usual outfit on.  I winked at Temari and jumped out of the room.  I was diving through the air, but when I would have hit the ground I disappeared.

I appeared on the roof of the hospital.  After making a few quick hand signs, I covered one of my eyes.  My vision transferred into the room I had just jumped out of.  Because I never learned how to read lips and I couldn’t hear anything, I was stuck just watching them talk.  Sighing, I opened my actual eye and canceled the jutsu.

Birds flew all around me in a tornado like thing.  They flew off.  I disappeared and reappeared in the forest near Kakashi's squad.  Walking through the bushes, I pulled a twif out of my hanir and threw it at the ground.  Sasuke practically tackled me to the ground with a hug.

"Calm down Sasuke!"  I said as I pushed him off of me.

"Ah, right on time."  Kakashi said as I looked around.  Sakura and Naruto were paired against each other to fight.  "Hachi, can you block against Sasuke while I run off?"  I ducked down as Sasuke tried to punch my face.  He brought up his knee and tried to knee me in face.  I punched him lightly in the chest, which made him fly back a little bit. 

I continued to try to block, but Sasuke was starting to learn my blocks.  He almost cut me, but water appeared and shattered the kunai.  I sighed.  "That's enough for today, see all of you at nine tomorrow.  Oh, Hachi, can you run to the grocery store for me?"  Kakashi asked as he placed a hand on my shoulder.  He disappeared as I nodded a reply.

I decided to walk to the grocery store.  I was walking through the woods when something came zooming towards me.  Water appeared and stopped the attack.  Turning around, I saw an ANBU Black ops person from the Village Hidden in the Sound.  The person began to make quick hand signs.  My hands went in front of me and a wall of water appeared.  The water encased me, protecting me from the jutsu that was trying to get through. 

The ANBU held his hand sign.  I lifted my hand up and water surrounded the ANBU.  Lifting up my hand higher, his mouth become covered with the deadly water.  My hand clenched together into a fist and the water crushed him.  The water that was around him turned blood red.  My hand fell and all of the water around me fell in unison.  Walking over to the ninja, I noticed that he was still alive, just barely. 

Storming over to the man, I lifted him up by his shirt and looked him in the eye.  "What were you sent here to do?"  I asked firmly.

"Lord Orochimaru sent me to kill you, you betrayed us."  My eyes shot wide open.  Water rushed from around me and crushed him.  I carried him to the Hokage.

"What is it Hachi?"  He asked as he noticed someone on my back.  I dropped the ninja on the floor.

"This scum was sent to kill me."  I said as I kicked him gingerly.  The Hokage gasped quickly.  He studied me with his eyes.

"This means that you need protection, but I can't spare any of the Jounin or ANBU…"  He closed his eyes as he thought it through.  "Kakashi can protect you when you are with him, but we can't have you looking like a puppy.  Maybe, but just maybe…"  He trailed off.  His eyes shot open.  "It's decided then, I'll have the Sand siblings guard you.  Did anyone see you kill him?"  He asked as he looked at the dead man.  I shook my head.  "Good, does anyone know how strong you are?"  He asked as he looked at me again. 

"Only Kakashi, but Sasuke knows that I'm pretty strong, but he didn't tell anyone."  I said as I stood up straighter.  He nodded his head.

"Good, now if you need to go anywhere and Kakashi isn't around, call them by this number and they'll escort you."  He sat back in his chair and I could tell that he was done talking to me.  I disappeared and reappeared at my house.  I plopped down on my couch and closed my eyes.  *Hope that they don't reject me.*  Was that last thing that I remember thinking as I fell asleep.

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