Chapter 13

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Gaara's PoV

Hachi began to sweat softly in my lap.  Her eyes were closed yet twitched as if she was dreaming.  Frustration and a little bit of agony textured her face as the moon continued to fly overhead.  When I nudged her, I received only a grunt. 

“Hachi, wake up.”  I whispered softly in her ear.  Her eyes fluttered open slowly and they darted around before landing on my face. 

“What, what’s wrong?”  She asked as she started to look confused.  I smirked down at her.

“It was nothing; you just looked like you weren’t sleeping very well.”  The moon disappeared from view and the sun began to edge over the horizon.  Hachi squinted at the sun in annoyance and tried to stand up.  Giving in slightly, I released her before grabbing onto her hand.  She sent me a mock glare as she pulled me up with her. 

“What’s been up with you lately?”  She tried to pull her hand back.  Confusion consumed her face when I held onto her tighter, as if for dear life.  Pulling up the courage, I sighed and squared my shoulders towards her. 

Hachi's PoV

“Hachi, will you be my girlfriend?”  Gaara asked as he turned a deep red.  A fire started on my face as my face began to redden as well.  When I went to answer, my mouth was dry.  Instead of a verbal response, I went with a nod and was rewarded with a crushing hug.  I hugged back before pulling away a little and winking.  Confusion colored his face before I disappeared and reappeared in the Hokage’s office.  Groaning, I sunk into one of the chairs when I realized we still didn’t have a Hokage.  The door opened to reveal a familiar silver haired man. 

(Had to kill the romance! DX  Sorry!)

 “You’re back!”  My yelling brought Kakashi out of his trance as he looked up with startled eyes.  He put his book away and waved. 

“We just got back, you, Naruto, and Jiraiya are going to go out and look for the next Hokage, if you can handle it.”  He teased as he played with my hair until I slapped his hand away. 

“You think that I can’t take care of them, you must be crazy!”  Kakashi chuckled and walked towards the door.  I followed after my brother with a slight hop in my step.  

(I’m now going with the series, but I don’t know how far it’ll go, so just hang tight!  Oh, I don’t know if I got that part earlier right, but oh well.  Plus, Naruto and Jiraiya are actually training, but you’ll live!)

“Well, you better hurry up and find them, Jiraiya is training Naruto, but you have to find him.”  Kakashi said as he walked out of the room.  With a smile, I disappeared and reappeared in the streets.  Naruto’s blonde hair bounced in my vision as he was enthusiastically talking to the kid I had met on my first day back in the Leaf.  The loud mouthed blonde darted off in the direction of the ramen shop.  Instead of wasting my energy following him, I appeared in the ramen shop and sat down while I waited. 

 “Hachi, what are you doing here?”  Naruto announced himself as he slipped into the seat next to me. 

“Well, Kakashi sent me over here and apparently I’m going with you and Jiraiya to look for someone.”  I said in one gust of air before sipping the tea I had ordered.   He started to look around in his pockets for something.  “What’s wrong?”  The ninja stood up and began to look around in a worried fashion. 

“I lost my ramen pass, oh, where could it be?” He asked as he looked in his pockets again.  

“Did you try your headband?”  I asked calmly and continued to sip my tea.  Naruto’s face scrunched up as he thought about it before laughing at the idea. 

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