Chapter 1

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The name is Samantha, Samantha Brooks but as everyone else named Samantha we prefer to be called Sam. Shocker I know. I was born and raised in Staten Island with my little brother Alfie, he's only 10, while I'm the big 15. Not so big if you think about it, I couldn't possibly wait for when I turn 16, the big party, the car, the greatest friends, and even my boyfriend! I'm totally kidding, I'll have none of that, well because when I was only 7 my mother died, so my dad had to take care of my brother and I. He doesn't have a lot of money so it's hard for me to get a lot of stuff. I have one friend named Julie who's the most greatest person ever, she's a geek aswell! As for the boyfriend part, I don't have one. Boys in my school just don't like me and well they're not exactly good looking either.

It was summer vacation here on Staten Island and of course Julie and I were spending as much time together as possible! We both decided we shouldn't work until next summer when it's actually easier to drive cause I'll have my permit... Or atleast I hope so. I hopped out of bed at my usual call, 9am. I then went downstairs where I was greeted by my dad making his famous Ol' pancakes and my brother eating them faster than he can make them.

"Good morning Sam." He said pushing me a plate with 2 smiley face pancakes and some syrup

"Morning! This looks great!" I said

"Thank you, it's my usual." He smiled

My dad was a really strong man, after losing his wife and then having to work every day from 11am to midnight. He always had a smile on his face each morning and was always glad to help us with anything. I loved him no matter what and I was so grateful I had him in my life.

"Alf you have soccer practice this afternoon. Tracy will take you." He said

Tracy was our nanny, father knew how much he was gone and sometimes it was hard leaving us 2 to do everything so he hired Tracy whom was our family friend even before we were born. He had to hire her to be honest, I couldn't look after myself so how could I look after Alfie too?

"Ugh I really don't want to go." He groaned playing with the eyes of the pancake

"You said that you really wanted to play next year!" I said

"Yeah but I would have soccer practice too, I don't get why I have to have even more this summer."

"It will help you, those schools suck at teaching sports." My dad said

"Right on!" I smiled

"Oh and Sam, I actually have a surprise for you." My dad held out 2 tickets

"IMPRACTICAL JOKERS TICKETS!? ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" I grabbed them out of his hand

"Yes and meet and greet is included!"

"Oh my god thank you so much!" I gave him a giant hug

"There's only 2 by the way because I figured you and Julie are old enough to go together and Tracy can pick you guys up later."

"Dad this means the world to me!" I smiled and sat back down

Impractical Jokers was my favorite show ever! I've always dreamed about meeting them but knowing how much the tickets cost my dad would never let me go! I guess I thought wrong! My favorite joker was Murr, I don't know why but there was something about his laugh and personality that made me feel home. He was an amazing person, I can't wait to be able to talk to him in person! I had to tell Julie about this! Her favorite of course was Sal, she said that he was just so perfect, I mean I couldn't disagree.

"Dad may I be excused? I need to tell Julie!" I said

"Of course! I have to head to work soon anyway, clean up please. Tracy will be here in 30 minutes ok."

"Okay dad." I said, he kissed me and Alfie goodbye and left.

I quickly ran upstairs and grabbed my phone and dialed Julie.

"Ok ok! Don't be alarmed but my dad so got us Impractical Jokers tickets!" I said

"WHAT? No way!" She yelled

"Yes and hold on.... HE GOT US MEET AND GREET PASSES TOO!"


"I know! I feel like I'm dreaming!" I smiled

"When is the show?" She asked, I looked at the tickets

"Saturday at 8." I said



"That's in 2 days! What are we wearing!?"

"I was thinking that clothes might be good." I laughed

"I may be a nerd but I like to look good ok." She said

"I get you. I'll talk to you later." I hung up

I couldn't believe this was happening!

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