Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I woke up to the sound of the sound of my phone vibrating. I was to lazy to pick it up, so i just waited until it vibrated all the way across the bed side table and on to the floor. I normally did this because it mean't that i had to actually get out of bed to grab the phone. I groaned, and slowly dragged myself out of the bed, picking my phone up off the ground as i did. As i walked towards the bathroom, i saw the call was from Michael.

"Damn", I muttered. I can't believe missed a call from him. What if he's wanted to talk about something important! What if he decided he doesn't like me and he does't want to have lunch with me on Friday anymore? As my head raced through the worst possible thoughts, i decided to listen to the voice message he had left me.

"Hi Blake" he shouts, " i just wanted to let you know that you are officially one of the one hundred and four people we have personally selected [ we meaning me and my band mates] to compete in a series of 100 challenges that will end with four girls evidently 'finding' us. The four girls that find us will be coming on tour with us and will also receive a 'secret' prize. Also, until this challenge ends, we will not be leaving our hiding place, which means not publicity, not fans, nothing until this challenge ends. I really hope your one of the four girls that gets to find us. I hope i can see you soon. Oh, by the way i won't be able to make our date on Friday and the first challenge will be in your mailbox at 8 am tomorrow morning. Good Luck."

Then all i hear is dial tone. Wait, what the hell just happened. I listen to the message again and again, but still only manage to hear the fact that Michaels roped me in to some crazy challenge and i'm supposed to come and find him? What is wrong with him? Is he Crazy!!! I Can't believe him! I'm so confused that i forget to watch where i am going and slip on the bathmat, crashing to the floor.

"Are you OK?!", my mum screams from the kitchen.

"I'm fine. I just slipped!", i yelled back to her.

Michael is so dead when i find him, if i find him that is. there are another hundred girls waiting for a chance to find them. Whats the bet their all fans? I'm not really good with people, its not that i don't try, it more that they don't. Anyway, if this message is serious, i've gotta get up even earlier tomorrow morning for school, so i can try solve this first challenge before i get there.

As i shower, i start to think of how Michael smiled at me when i said something weird that day at the cafe. No ones ever smiled at me like that, and he's a guy, so i was hoping this could be going somewhere because i really liked Michael and he made me feel special. As i thought this, i could feel my eyes tearing up, but then again, that could have been because i got soap in my eyes. Damn you Michael!!! Your making me really distracted, i just can't stop thinking about you.

I quickly turned off the water and got dressed in my school uniform. I preferred to wear the pants rather than the skirt, as we had the option, so it was navy blue slacks, starch white shirt, tie, and a navy blue blazer to top it all off. No wonder none of they boys found me appealing, this uniform made me look like i had no figure at all. I ate breakfast [ the usual vegemite toast], and ran towards the school bus. I had to sit next to some guy a year older than me who kept making a disgusted face every time i looked at him. When it was my stop, i stepped in to the isle, flipped him off whilst i stuck my tongue out at him. He deserved it with no manners what so ever. I Jumped off the bus and looked around.

Great, another day with no friends and to top it off, i was in this place for the whole day. Honestly could life get any worse. I started the day with a Art, then moved on to Computer Technology, Science and History. Not the best day, but one that i could get through without pulling my hair out. At lunch i sat by myself, glaring at anyone who said or did anything mean towards me. That was until, i looked up to see blue eyed, brown haired girl sitting down across from me.

"Umm, Hi? Who are you?", asked politely, but my tone was confused.

"Oh, Hi! My names Aubery Wright, your the girl who went out with Michael the other day, right?" she smiled.

"Yeah, I'm Blake Cooper. I'm sorry, but, how do you know about that?", I questioned.

"Oh, sorry, you must be confused. I just started dating Calum a little while ago, so i know all about you and Michael. I assume you got one of those messages this morning?"

"Yeah, i did. How did you know?" i ask surprised.

"Because i got one too. Calum told me nothing about this before the message and the message said something about a challenge and finding them. But Calum's did tell me about you and said i should team up with you because he really knows that Michael wants you to be the one who finds him. Oh, he also mentioned we went to the same school and that you were a loner, so their wasn't many people to chose from', she mumbled the last part.

"That's ok, i know when i'm not wanted, and that's perfectly fine with me. But thanks for coming over here and saving me from all the glaring i was doing. I swear, i'm going to be seriously wrinkled when i'm old", I said, pulling a weird face.

And for the first time in a long time, i had made someone i didn't know at all, laugh. Aubrey was laughing so loud, that people started to stare.

"Ok, i didn't think i was that funny, let alone fun to anyone at all." i said.

"Maybe thats because nobody's given you a chance!" Exclaimed Aubrey.

I'd never thought of it like that before. The only other person who laughed at my jokes was Spencer, but she only did it because she was sucking up to me, trying to make me fell better. As i debated this, Aubrey started speaking.

"So, do you want to bring the first challenge to school tomorrow, and we'll try and solve it together?" she smiled.

What! Was she serious! She must not hate me completely if she wants to seriously team up with me.

"Ok, Sure! Sounds like fun!" i say.

"Great, I'll see you tomorrow then." She states, getting out of her chair and straightening out her uniform.

Before she walks off, she turns back to me.

"By the way, I'm not that popular myself, so it might be nice to have a friend who actually likes me for who i am. As well as one who is likes the same things i do. Thanks!" She shouts before running off to who knows where.

Well, that was weird! But it was a pretty awesome kind of weird! I think i just gained a friend and if I'm lucky, an ally in this game of mystery. The sound of the bell quickly knocks me out of my daydream and i run off to my next class.

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