Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

It was finally lunch time and time to initiate our prank. We set everything up ready for the first person or "People" to come and have a taste of our awesomeness. We had a Go Pro sitting in the corner of the elevator where it couldn't be seen, but where we could see everything. Aubrey and I were stationed at the entrances to the elevator, our communication purely through walkie- talkies.

It was just then that our first target came in to position.

The 'Target' just happened to be Olivia and her new victim. I couldn't believe how perfect this day was getting, first standing up to her, now being able to get revenge for all the nasty things she's done to the outcasts of this school. I told Aubrey through the walkie - talkie that our first victim was approaching, but i didn't tell her it was Olivia, best to keep that a surprise for both of them.

"Aubrey, our first target is approaching. Are you ready?" i asked through the device.

" I won't tell you this again, i won't know its you unless we use the code names i assigned!" Aubrey exclaimed in annoyance.

"Do we really have to use them?" i questioned, hoping she'd say that we didn't have to.

"For the last time, YES! We do have to use them! Now from the top!" she shouted with exasperation.

"Fine. Cal-Pal, our first target is about to enter the elevator. Prepare yourself!" i said, cringing at the nickname.

"Ok! Over and out, Mike- Ro- Wave." I sighed when she said the name. I was missing Michael so much right now. Even though we'd only spoken once, i really believed that we made a connection. Plus, he was actually nice to me and he seemed to care.

As my mind wandered, i suddenly heard a scream, which broke me out of my daydream. I quickly ran up the stairs to see that the elevator doors had opened, and Aubrey had, just as we planned, squirted the people inside with liquid glue. Just as the doors shut to down again, Aubrey realised that the person she has sprayed was Olivia. The look on her face was priceless, which was why i'd made sure to take as many photos on my phone as possible of the occasion, then i ran away before she realised what i'd done, and got in to my position just in time.

Whilst the lift had been going back down, Aubrey had arranged for an explosion of leaves, that we'd collected from outside, to explode all over the two people in the lift, only by the press on a button. I have no idea how she did it, but she isa miracle worker. That was when the lift went to open on the ground floor of the building, where i was positioned. As the doors opened, and before Olivia and the poor guy that had been roped in to all of this could escape, i squirted them with some more glue, but this time, it was glitter glue. So, as they covered their faces attempting to get away, the lift door closed and it was my turn to push a button. This time the explosion was of flowers. So, when the lift finally stopped at the top floor, it was time for the camera to go wild.

Aubrey stated to click away furiously at her phone, taking as many pictures as possible of the embarrassed couple.

"Come on Olivia! Smile for the camera!" I heard Aubrey yell as i ran up the stairs.

I turned the corner just in time to see Olivia lash out at Aubrey, but i was to far away to help. Suddenly, the boy that was in the lift with Olivia, stepped in front of Aubrey, coping a face full of Olivia's hand. The slap vibrated through the quite hall, as it was really out of bounds for students, but nobody really listened to those rules, as the teachers also use this spot as a hide away too.

But thankfully, today, the hall seemed to be empty except for us.

"What the hell do you think your doing Kevin? Why the hell would you take a hit for a little scrap like her?" Olivia screamed a the guy, who we now knew as Kevin, gesturing wildly and calling Aubrey names at the same time. I honestly thought i had gotten in to that tiny head of hers this morning, apparently not.

"Excuse me! If you stopped screaming for one second i could explain what is going on here!" Kevin yelled over the top of Olivia's shouting.

"Olivia...." Kevin started in a slow voice, sounding as though he was really nervous about how she would react. But then, he seemed to gain a small amount of courage.

"I stood up for Aubrey here because she is a nicer person than you ever will be! She might not be the prettiest girl in the school, but she certainly has a pretty personality, which is exactly what you have none of. I thought you might have had a good think about the way you act around people after what happened with Blake outside earlier....." That was the point of his rant at which i zoned out.

How the hell did this kid know Aubrey's name, let alone mine. I'd never even spoken to him before, and i had no idea who he was until Olivia had called him by his name. And why the hell would he stand up for one of us, even though i can admit, Aubrey is quite pretty if you can get past the band shirts and the weirdness of her personality, but it seemed as though this Kevin guy thought Aubrey was something that was worth admiring. it was at that point that my thoughts were disrupted by Aubrey tugging on my arm and pointing over my shoulder. As i looked behind me, i saw the vice- principal striding towards us.

" Crap. What is he doing here? Were going to get in to so much trouble?" i whispered to Aubrey.

She nodded silently and then suggested we run before we get in trouble. As we started to walk away, Aubrey stopped and looked over her shoulder.

"We can't leave Kevin here to cop the blame, he did stand up for us." she pleaded with me. She had only done this once before to get me to use the code names she had come up with, and it seemed that she had learn't in the short time she had been with Calum, his puppy dog eye technique.

"Fine" i sighed, as i turned around, only to see the vice- principal had spotted us and was hurrying this way.

I ran the few metres to get to Kevin, grabbed his sleeve and yanked him away from the clearly animated conversation he was having with Olivia. He didn't even have a chance to ask why i had pulled him when i shouted at him to run. And that was exactly was the three of us did.

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