Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Authors Note: ( The emails and link used in this chapter are not mine and nor will they ever be, apologies to whoever really uses these emails.)

After Olivia and her Fam - Bam left, ( hahaha fam-bam), Aubrey and i quickly ran upstairs to see what the answer to our greatest wishes were. Well, that might be a little to dramatic, but we were pretty excited to see the computer screen. We both sat down in front of the screen and wiggle the mouse. Jesus, the suspense was killing me.

I checked my emails and see one from the website. I quickly click on it to see what the results are.




You have won the right to move forwards in the competition. Watch the video connected to this link to move on. We all loved your videos and enjoyed watching you fool all those probably innocent people, but it was the best fun we've had in a while.

Thank you and enjoy the next challenge!

Calum, Ash, Luke & Mikey x


Omg! we made it in to the next challenge. I look over at Aubrey and see her smiling quietly to herself.

"What are you smiling to yourself like that about?" i questioned her with a smirk on my face, shoving her lightly at the same time.

"Nothing, just that i got an email as well!!!" Aubrey laughed and showed me her phone screen.

Her email was exactly the same as mine, except for the fact that hers had a ps at the bottom and it was from Calum. It was him telling her how much he missed her and how much he needed her so she shouldn't give up on him. I smiled and gave Aubrey a small laugh and told her how sweet that was.

"I've gotta go! My family is gonna be really mad if i don't get back before 9 o'clock! See you tomorrow, Blake." Aubrey shouted as she ran downstairs.

"Bye" i said, as i watched her walk out of my house, down my driveway and run down the street towards her own house.

What i didn't understand is why she got a special message from Calum and i get noting at all from Michael. Then again, Calum and Aubrey are actually an item, me and Michael have only been on one date and we really are just friends. But he is the only boy i've ever had these feelings for, so it's hard for me to pretend nothing is going on. Really wonder if Michael likes me as much as i like him? Maybe i'll never know? But i've got to try hard to get an answer to that question.

I slowly walk towards my bed, falling on top of it face first. I take a deep breath and sigh. All this crap is to complicated for me right now, and just when i thought things were going so well. But honestly, i'm so confused as to why Calum made sure that he gave Aubrey a PS note at the bottom of her email, but Michael gave me nothing, nothing but the cold shoulder. But as i said before, Calum and Aubrey are actually dating and Michael and i have been on one date, as well as only meet once.

I groaned as i rolled over on to my back, looking up at the roof of my room. My roof still had those pretty little glow in the dark glittery, white stars. I looked up at them, remembering that my father and i had put those up together when i was about 7, laughing at my dad when he said that i would want to take them down in in a few years. I faintly remember arguing back and telling him they would stay there for the rest of my life. I smiled slightly at the memory, wishing that everything was a simple as it was back then. But sadly, its not.

I lay on my bed for a while longer, until i looked at the clock and freaked out because it was almost ten thirty and i still had to take a shower and do some reading for school. I quickly ran toward the bathroom, towel and PJ's in hand. I rushed my shower almost forgetting to wash my hair because i was in such a rush. I quickly towel dried my hair, watching it flop over my eyes obscuring my vision, the water dripping down my face. Crap, I still have to read and its almost eleven. I walked towards my bed, huffing out a sigh at my stupidity.

I read for a few minutes, and then turned my light out before my parents start to accuse my lateness on my tiredness and ban my free will. I slowly closed my eyes, hoping to dream of Michael, but sadly, my dreams were disturbed by a sudden beeping noise. I would know that sound anywhere. I stumbled towards my desk and almost killed my self two or three times not being able to see in the dark. I finally found my phone, fumbling to open it.

There was nothing there, so i sadly walked back to bed, almost crying myself to sleep with the thought of Michael, the one i thought cared so much, not caring at all.

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