Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

" Ok, lets put the CD on" Aubrey exclaims in excitement as i walk in to her bedroom.

I sit down on her bed as she slides the disc in to the small, sound system she has sitting on her bedroom shelves. I observe her room, it looks almost identical to mine, with all the band and movie posters on the walls and the books lying on almost every surface you can find.

"Your rooms really nice" i say with a strained voice, making an effort to start the conversation this time.

But my voice is blocked out by the music suddenly coming from the speakers around the room. Aubrey smiles and quickly turns down the music.

"Sorry about that , yeah, i really love my room, its the only place i feel i can truly be myself and not have to worry about anybody else's opinions, you know?" she states.

"I do know, i feel the same about my room, its just my own space. Anyway, how about we get on with this competition, we don't want to be the last ones to post the video, that would suck." i say sticking my finger in my mouth to make an over the top gagging expression, to show how much i thought it sucked.

"Alright then." Aubrey giggles as she stands up to get her phone, "So, who's going first?"

"I'll go first if you want, then i can get all this nervousness out of the way."

So a few moments later Aubrey has her phone camera glued to me as i sing and dance my stupid heart out. I start to get a bit creative around the second verse, and throw in some air guitar and head banging. Sadly, to embarrass myself even more, i decide i don't care who ends up seeing this, i start to do my horrible rendition of a mix between what people think is either Twerking or Grinding and is extremely embarrassing. You can barley hear the song over Aubrey's laughter at my horrendous dance moves. Sadly, as the song ends, i decide to slide along the carpet and i end up giving myself carpet burn, which is so unpleasant that i end up stunting my face up and swearing about, which, all of was caught on camera by the lovely Aubrey.

"I want to see it before we post it" i exclaim, trying to take the phone away from her.

"No, to late, its already online!" she sticks her tongue out at me in victory.

"Ok then, to late now i guess, any who, its your turn." i smirk at Aubrey.

"Well, here goes nothing." she sighs.

We start the song again and Aubrey goes all out, even shaking her bum in the camera. Just as the song ends, she decides it would be a good idea to attempt the splits in skinny jeans, which i might add, is never a good idea. And even hough she knows this, she does it anyway, and as a result, splits her pants and puts her bright, pink underwear on full display for apparently, 5sos to see. I post it just before she can get up and snatch the phone from me.

I Laugh, "Now were even".

"I suppose i deserved that." she sighs, "But calum won't be happy the rest of the band will see my underwear, and why on earth did i wear my pink ones today of all days, couldn't i have worn a sexier colour, so then i could at least pretend it was on purpose?" she mumbles the last part to herself.

I just laugh at her and turn to see how many people have now posted their videos on the 5sos website, the link of which was on the note from Luke. It seems as though we mad it as about the 80th people to post, which is way to close for my liking. In a matter of the five minutes we go to get water and a biscuit, the rest of the people have posted their videos, someone called #blonde_babe2345 coming in last. Curiously, Aubrey and i look at the girls video, and all we see is the girls in a pink bikini and dancing like a stripper, not even singing. After about two seconds we turn the video off, both making gagging sounds.

"No wonder she came last, it must have taken her 24 hours to put all that fakery on." Aubrey laughs as she bats her eyelashes at me.

We both laugh, but stop up short when we hear Aubrey's phone blare 5sos, telling us we have a notification from the website. She quickly picks it up and taps on the link and we watch intently.

On the screen pops up a video, so we click play. Ashton's face pops up on the screen.

"Hiiiiiiiiiiii, My names Ashton and i want to congratulate you on how well you've done on your first task, it was a lot of fun watching you guys go nuts. Anyway, this is me telling you about your next challenge. I want you guys to video yourselves or have a friend video you pranking someone in a elevator. I can't wait to see who has the wildest pranks, because the one we think is the least funny, will be eliminated from the completion. Hope we see the videos soon, the deadlines in 2 days. Love you guys, rock on!!"

The the video disappears. Aubrey and i look at each other.

"Who's ready for a trip to the city or to the closest place with an elevator." Aubrey shrieking in excitement, jumping off her bed and toward the door, then she stops.

"Wait, where is the closest building with an elevator in it?" she questions.

"Umm, i think the school has one that the really old teachers use to get from floor to floor of the building, but we can't really prank teachers, can we?" i ask uncertainly.

Its then that Aubrey get a mischievous grin on her face.

"No, But we could prank all the couples that go there to make out because it hardly ever gets used." she exclaims.

"Point taken, now, we just need to come up with the best prank ever!" i yell in excitement.

"Ok then, how about you go home and we both come up with different ideas of what to do, then tomorrow at school, we can merge them together and it will be the most epic prank the world has eve seen!" Aubrey says in an evil voice and uses a mechanical evil laugh after it, which we both spend at least 5 minutes laughing at.

"Sounds great." i say as i finish of the giggling. I can't believe how awesome Aubrey is and how cool she is about being weird in from of me. If it wasn't for her, i might not have been able to come out of my shell enough to do the first challenge. So, really, i owe her big time.

"By the way," i mutter "Thanks for helping me and actually giving a crap and all that mosh stuff that i'm to punk rock to say." i whisper.

She just laughs and hugs me. "It was my pleasure." she says as we let go.

"Ill see you tomorrow then?" i ask.

"Of course you will silly, now go and find some weird ass prank to pull on someone who lip locks for a living." she laughs as she shoves me out her front door.

Thats when i think, God, i really love that girl. I wish i'd meet her sooner. Even if she is a weird little kitten and has an obsession. At least that means she's just like me! I think as i run home in the twilight, wondering what will happen when we actually do this stuff and hoping its enough for me to get one step closer to Michael, the only guy who's actually given me a second glance and more, except for my dad, but that doesn't count. I laugh to myself as i speedwell, cause running was to energetic for my liking. I get home, run to my room and get searching for the perfect prank.

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