Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Thats when i saw it. Well, maybe it is a bit harsh. Actually, no, it's not. My mum had her back turned to us, talking to the people sitting at the island counter in our kitchen. My mother had failed to mention that here boss and his wife would be joining us for dinner that night. Sadly, my mothers boss is Olivia's dad, which means Olivia's mum was also here. And sadly, tonight, they had decided to bring Olivia along with them.

"You've got to be kidding me" i sighed, not realising i had done it so loudly, cause now everyone in the kitchen was looking my way.

"Sorry, just left something at school that i just remembered" i smiled as i walked over towards my mum, Aubrey in tow. That was the best i could come up with! Jesus, i'm not an amateur at this kind of thing. I've let my mouth slip one to many times before without an excuse and gotten hell because of it. So, i learn't some excuses to use as the real reason i'd said something.

"Mum, this is Aubrey. Aubrey, this is my mum." i introduced the both of them as my mother would have wanted me to in front of other people.

"Pleased to meet to you, I'm Lillian Cooper, please call me Lily." My mum hated formalities, so she told everyone to call her Lily, which i agreed, suited her better.

"Nice to meet you, Lily. I'm a good friend of your daughters, we hang out at school all the time now and she invited me over today." Aubrey smiled, and winked at me.

"Hey Mum, would it be alright if Aubrey stayed for dinner, we still haven't finished studying yet, we really just came down because Aubrey really wanted to meet you." i smiled politely, and said hello to Olivia's parents afterwards, ignoring Olivia completely.

"Yes, of course she can stay for dinner. But if you two are going back to study, take Olivia with you so us adults can talk privately." She said and smiled, whilst looking at me with a sorry expression in her eyes.

My Mum new everything about me, including who i hated at school, so as sorry as she was that Olivia was here, i knew she couldn't ignore Olivia like i had, because her boss was there. So i reluctantly agreed, knowing i had no choice, and invited Olivia up to my room.

As we walked up there, Olivia snorted and giggled under her breath.

"I take it you don't care for our house, or anyone who lives her for that matter?" i questioned Olivia,glaring at her when i had the chance.

"Of course, not only do not care, but i hate everything in the wretched place, including your dear parents, but i didn't have a choice of coming tonight, so lets just call a truce in front of our parents, or we both know we'll get in shit because of it" she frowned.

We had just entered my room, so i turned around to face her to see wether of not she was serious about this. I turned to see the most serious face in my life. God, she was so not kidding about this thing.

"Sure, why not" i agreed, holding out my hand for a shake.

"Ew, like i would ever want to touch you." she screeched.

"Are you alright up there girls?" i heard my mum yell.

"We're fine" i called back, glaring at Olivia for being so stupid.

"Sorry, lets start again, i'll try to be nice and you do the same.By the way midget, you're in on this to." Olivia said, pointing at Aubrey.

"I assumed." Aubrey glared at her.

Olivia started to pace around my bedroom. It felt like she was scrutinising it, looking in at every like imperfection.

"Your rooms actually quite nice." Olivia stated, sound quite surprised.

"uhh.... Thank you?" i said, looking around my room to see what on earth someone like her would possibly like about it. My wall were covered in movie posters and band posters, some of which were framed, some just stuck to the wall with blu-tack.I had a queen sized bed with anime bed covers. My bookshelf was overflowing with books, movies and usb's full of anime. I could not think of one small thing that she would like about it.

"I like the way you've put it together. I wish i could put up posters and hang stuff on the wall. I wish my room looked something like yours, with out that Japanese Children's crap of course, but it does look pretty damn awesome." she said as she examined the books on my shelf.

"What? Are you serious? i bet your room looks a thousand times better than mine and i bet it's ten times bigger as well" i exclaimed, why did she like my room so much?

"Ohh and i love this series" she said, pointing to my collectors edition Twilight novels. What the hell had happened to her? She went from the nastiest bitch in hell to na sweet strawberry shortcake doll in less than 5 seconds.

"Girls, Dinner!!!" my mum shouted from downstairs.

As we all ran towards the door, i was grabbed on the arm by someone.I turned around to see Olivia on the other end of the arm.

"You have no idea how good you have it. Most of the stuff you do, my parents would never allow in my wildest dreams. And i think you have a cool taste in music, i like 5sos too. But Luke is mine." she smiled and laughed.

"Race you downstairs?" i asked her.

"Why not? I'm not allowed to run at my house, might as well try it here." she smiled at me.

Maybe she wasn't so bad after all, or was this just part of the truce we made a few moments ago. Well, i didn't care, as long as she was being nice, so would i.

Little, did we know, whilst dinner was being devoured ( mums cooking is the best!! ), a message had popped up on my computer. Good or bad, we didn't yet know.  

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