Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Finally we stopped outside, leaning against a brick wall where all three of us hoped we'd be safe, at least for now.

"I don't think he saw our faces" Kevin panted.

"That hopefully means he doesn't know who it was" Aubrey smiled, before falling over dramatically to lay on the ground.

"I really hope not, if i get in to any more trouble, my parents are going to have a fit." exclaimed Kevin.

"Why? What do you do that was oh-so-bad?" I asked in a really girly voice. I had only just meet this guy, but i think he appreciated my sense of humor, not that i really cared wether he liked me or not.

" Well, you know, i've done lots of stupid stuff, like getting caught making out in the hallways and throwing fists at others, but they mostly overlook that stuff. What i did was much worse and the fact that i got caught was such a sucky move.And the principal almost expelled me because of it, and if i step even one little toe out of line, all hell's gonna break loose." he sighed and looked annoyed at himself.

"Well, what exactly did you do?" Aubrey asked with intense curiosity. She looked as though she really cared, and that nice, sweet, innocent ( well, she's not that innocent) face, was exactly what Kevin saw when he looked up, he smiled, sat down next to her and eagerly answered her question. Jesus, what the hell was i supposed to do about this, She had a boyfriend, and right now, she looked like she was fre, single and ready to mingle. But she only looks that way because she cares to much about other, but only the people who have been nice to us.

"Ummm, it was last week...." Kevin started, smiling at Aubrey when she encouraged him to continue. Yuk, she was on another level to him, but i didn't know how to stop her niceness, or his boyishness.

" Well, it was right after school, me and some mates thought it would be cool to do something to the vice-principals car, since he always take out his anger issues on us, so we thought of a really cool prank to pull. We pull a whoopee cushion on his seat, set up a camera on the dash and when he tried to start the car, we put bubble mixture in his fuel, so the car was covered in bubble by the end of it, well, that was with a little help from us throwing suds on him as he hoped out to see the problem, but yeah i got a months worth of detentions and community service of a stupid, harmless prank. It sucks!!"

"Oh, well then, all you have to do is not cause trouble then." Aubrey stated with a smile on her face. God i loved her, but i had come to learn she was a bit clueless. That was when i remembered the go-pro in the lift.

"Crap, we left the camera in the corner of the elevator. We have to go back and get it." i exclaimed as i looked down at my watch, and we don't have much time to post the video, we've got a couple of hours at the most and we have two more periods of school.

"Shit, we've got to get moving." i said to Aubrey, who nodded her head, seeming to remember that she had Calum to think of, got up off the ground.

"It was nice meeting you Kevin, sorry, but we have to go." she smiled sweetly and then we both ran back towards the elevator, being careful not to get caught.

"Thank god it's still here" Aubrey exclaimed, "My brother would have killed me if i'd lost it." She grabbed the Go-Pro from me and proceeded to shove it in to her backpack.

"Let's go." i said, and we ran before we saw anyone come back.

As we got to our tree, we heard the bell go.

"After school, meet at my house, but warning, my parents will be overdramatic about me having a friend over, so you'll just have to cope." i sated quickly as i turned to walk to class.

"Ok, cool, see you then." said Aubrey, as she waved and ran towards her next class, which for me happened to be science, which i sucked at.

After a crappy afternoon of science and a surprise math test, i was more than happy to run home with Aubrey and change into sweatpants and a loose tank top, then get to work on our footage.

"Wait, are we allowed to use the same video and do this challenge together. I know that didn't say we couldn't, but what if where breaking some sort of rules?" I asked Aubrey as we sat down in front of my computer.

"I'm sure the boys won't mind, anyway, it was Calum who told me to team up with you in the first place, we just have to explain that the video is an entry from both of us." Aubrey said, not seeming too care at all, as long as we got the video in on time.

We finally finished editing the video and uploading to the website.

"Hi -Five" yelled Aubrey.

So i did Hi- five her, but not with as much enthusiasm.

As we watched the video roll in on the website, we counted down until it was time to see what would happen next. Suddenly, a huge cross came up on the screen, with the words times up on top. Then, small writing at the bottom of the screen told us we had to wait for another hour whilst Ashton judged the competition.

"You've got to be kidding me.We've already waited a thousand year, now we have to wait longer. This is stupid." I sighed, but i really did know that ashton had to watch every video and come up with a loser.

As we waited, i heard my front door slam and my mum yelling about how she was home and that dinner would be ready in half an hour.

"She sounds nice." laughed Aubrey as we walked towards the stairs.

"Yeah, just wait until you meet her" i laughed at the thought, but soon realised how serious i was when i turned the corner. 

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