Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

After hours of searching online, i think i've finally put the most awesome prank on the face of the earth together, now all i have to do is tell Aubrey about it and see what she thinks. As i turn around to check the time, i see that it's almost 12:30 am. Crap, it's a school night!

I quickly run to get changed in to my knee-length, stretched, band shirt that i wear as temporary PJ shirt, because sadly, i'm running out PJ shirts. I quickly jump in to bed, thinking of Michael as i fall asleep and how the pranks we pull tomorrow will hopefully make him laugh.

I wake up to the blaring sound of music coming from my alarm clock. Luckily the song i hear coming from the speakers is a Blink - 182 song, not some preppy, pop song. I can't deal with that crap this early in the morning. I quickly turn to see what time it is and shout in shock to see that i slept through my first two alarms and have about 10 minutes to get ready and get to school. I race towards the bathroom and attempt to save my hair from the rat's nest it currently tangled in, which only makes it worse. I don't even have time to apply makeup as i rush towards the closet to pull on my uniform, then downstairs to the kitchen for toast, with vegemite of course. I quickly kiss my mum on the cheek and run out the door.

I just make it to the school gates just as the final bell rings. My first class is english, so i rush towards the rear building of the school and in to the classroom, making it there just before the teacher arrives. I sit in my seat and let out a huge sigh of relief. Thank god i made it! I would have been in so much trouble if i'd been late again.

I calm down enough to concentrate on my first two periods of class and then get over excited to talk about my idea to Aubrey. But as i walk to wear we sit, i see another girl standing next to her. Both of them seem to be making animated hand movements and then soon enough i get close enough to see that they are arguing and the other girl just happens to be Olivia Oxford, the schools notorious bully. as i get closer i start to her what they are saying.

"Yeah right, why would any guy want to date an ugly mutt like you?" laughed Olivia as people started to gather round her and see what would happen.

"Because unlike you, i actually have something interesting behind the way i look. I might not be the prettiest girl in the school, but i do have a beautiful personality, which i more than i can say for you!" sneers Aubrey, obviously proud she was holding her own against the bitch.

I quickly run towards the centre of the circle to stand next to Aubrey, just incase she needs back up. Sadly, Olivia notices my sudden appearance.

"And look, you brought a friend to join you in your social demise, but wait, you never had any social standing to begin with" said Olivia, which was joined by laughs from the rest of the popular crowd.

I glanced over at Aubrey, seeing that she looked defeated, looking towards the ground. I had to do something.I slowly walked to stand next to Aubrey and put my hand on her shoulder. As she looked up, i smiled at her. I then looked at Olivia and smiled.

" Yeah, I'm here too, which means that now its 2 on 1. What are you gonna do about it now?" i said confidently.

"Here's what I'm gonna do nerd face, i gonna walk over there and slap that smirk off your face with what i've got to say next" she said as she slowly walked towards me. " You suck! No one likes you, everyone hates you and nobody would give a shit if you dropped of the face of the earth in the next five minutes. And guess what, no one will ever love you!!" she shouted in my face.

I just kept smiling, cause i knew none of this was true. I had a loving family, Aubrey and Michael was out there somewhere, and i knew each one of them cared more than any of Olivia's friend would ever care.

" You Know what Olivia," i said, as i looked from Aubrey, who was smiling like a crazy fangirl (which we all know was what she was) and nodded encouragingly, tall the people who were looking at me with sad looks in their eyes, pitying my situation. Olivia had just started to walk away thinking she had won, but she turned back around quickly.

"I know that i might not be popular like you are, but i don't need to put everyone around me down to get to the top. And i also know that i might be not be as pretty as you, as rich as you or as awesome as you think you are, but i have my own way of living my life, so if you don't mind me and the people i know who do give a crap about me, would like to get on living our lives without having to deal with your bullying everyday, so Piss Off!" i said, slowly rising my voice, until i was shouting in her face, just like she had done to me.

There was moment of silence, before everyone started cheering and shouting. Aubrey quickly turned to hug me. As she did, i looked over her shoulder, and i saw that someone had poured a bottle of water over Olivia. She screamed and stormed off, without any of her friend following, obviously embarrassed by what had happened.

I quickly grabbed Aubrey's hand and ran to the other side of the school building, to get away from all the screaming and the shouts of joy.

"Blake, that was amazing. Thank you for standing up for me" exclaimed Aubrey.

"No problem. I've wanted to say that to her for a while now.

"Anyway, do you have an idea for the prank?" Aubrey asked in curiosity.

"I think i have the perfect idea. But we'll have to set it up before the next class and do it at lunch, because that run in didn't leave us with much time." i panted.

"Alright then, lets go!!" she shouted as she ran towards the elevator.

"Wait up, i'm not fit enough to run after all that mayhem!" i laughed as i walked after her.

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