Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"What the actual fuck!?" I shouted.

All I heard was loud laughter coming from the other end of the line, it was an extremely calming sound.

"Blake, there's no need to swear. I just wanted to hear the sound if your voice. Shit! Did i really just say that? I mean't that I wanted to talk to you and I was kind of hoping you'd listen," Michael explained confusedly.

"Michael, there's no need to swear," I laughed.

"Just shut up! I just wanted to say hi cause I heard you weren't talking to anyone today from Cal, who heard from Aubrey. And I checked your social media, you hadn't posted anything all day. I got really worried about you!" he whispered the last part.

I was almost crying by the end of his speech. I can't believe he would spend his whole day worrying about me, who thought that no one really cared.

"Michael, i don't know what to say. You shouldn't have spent your whole day worrying about me, i was just a really crappy mood and i didn't feel like socialising. I'm really sorry i made you worry," I said sadly.

"That's alright. I'm just glad your okay! And just remember i think your beautiful. I'm sorry Blake, i have to go, but i won't be able to talk to you for a while. Ok, I'll see you soon. Win for me. Bye!" Michael said regretfully, then hung up.

"Ok" I whispered quietly into an empty receiver, then hung up.

So, he did care, he did actually want me in his life to some extent. Oh My God. Michael Gordon Clifford actually cares about me. After a good, hard fangirl, i thought i should ring and apologise to Aubrey, who was the one got Michael to ring me and she was the first one to worry.

"Aubrey?" I said when someone answered.

"Yes! Blake I'm so glad your ok! How are you feeling? Did i do something wrong?" she asked, obviously scared i would say yes.

"I'm fine and of course it wasn't your fault, I just felt a little down in the dumps cause of the busy few weeks i've had. I've done more socialising in the past few weeks than i've ever done in my entire life," i said trying to sound apologetic.

All i heard was laughter on the other end. gees, i must be really funny and not realise it. I really hope Aubrey forgives me for this small lapse in our friendship, i really do trust her now.

"I love you Blake, ok?" Aubrey says seriously after she stops laughing.

"I know , I'm sorry. I love you too," I say quietly, honestly sorry for what i've done.

It was silent for a minute, both of us realising how serious we were about this friendship, neither person wanting to see it end.

"Ready for the next challenge?" Aubrey said, breaking the silence first.

"You bet i am. Can't wait to get it done. It just means I'm one step closer to Michael!" I shouted excitedly.

"And i'm one step closer to Calum" Aubrey exclaimed.

"So lets do this1" i shouted and fist bumped the air, then remembered that i was all alone and no one could actually see me. That when i released what an idiot i was, but i was one awesome, crazy idiot even if i did say so myself.

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