Character Ask: Answers

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lol like anyone reads these in books besides me :-) IT WOULD BE AWESOME IF YOU READ THE A/N AT THE BOTTOM


Question: do the do with michael

like right now or....

Question: Are you planning on visiting Michael in the summer?

Sadly I can't. He has school while I'm on holiday

Question: What are you plans for the summer?

Michael bought a flat for us to share for when he returns from Aus at the end of his senior year.

Question: How was your kiss with Michael?

His lips are so soft, I felt like my knees were giving out on me. He left me wanting for more.

(lol i've never kissed a guys before so i have no idea what it's like. #foreveraloner)

Question: Get a tattoo?

Mum says tattoos are dangerous. She'd kill me

Question: Are you and Michael gonna get married?

Hopefully. I love him so much!

Question: Which one wears the pants in the relationship?

Michael does. He just likes the idea of protecting me and keeping me safe from danger

Question: On a scale of 1-10 how much do you love Michael?


Question: Top or Bottom?

Bottom. Mikey is daddy af

Question: Could you ever see yourself forgiving Ashton for what he's done to you?

I already did. Most people would be cautious over a person who used them, but everyone deserves a second change. Plus he promised to give me his slice of pizza on pizza day at school.

Question: Are you muke af? 

fuck yea

Question: Are you actually into Ashton?

Well, I was, but then he turned into an asshole who gives me his pizza every friday to win my friendship over

Question: Apples or organges?

Oranges? I'm so confused...

Question: How big is your dick? It's for science.

Well, since it's for science, mine's around 8.2 inches 

(i decided to go through and add in older questions and questions one of my friends sent me on kik)

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