letter 6.5

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dear lucas,


that sounds exciting.

ive never been to a school dance.

here in my school in aussie,

we don't have dances.

sob :'(

i don't know what to tell you babe.

maybe you should try making friends?

its not easy,

but if you are yourself,

i promise you'll have some in no time.

thats how i became best friends with calum.

seven years now...


now lilac haired michael

my apologies. okay, if you would like to help me co-write this story, all I need is your name, age, and a small letter either written by luke or michael INBOXED to me. I only read inboxes. Comments on here would just be too long, not that I mind, and my tablet has trouble loading long pages so it is just easier. I hope you all have fun doing this! I can't wait to see what ideas you guys have. I love you!

-Courtney xx

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