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luke's lips melted into michael's as their kiss became more and more passionate. no one had ever kissed luke with such a passion as michael is doing right now. it made luke feel special and wanted. the kiss made him long for more. michael's lips were soft and gentle, as if he were afraid to hurt luke.

michael was the first to pull away. he leaned his forehead against luke's and rubbed their noses together. Luke looked down at his feet with a small blush appearing on his cheeks. he never knew that kissing someone could bring so much happiness and fullfilness to one person's heart.

"so, what do you say we ditch and do some more kissing lucas?" michael asked.

luke nodded and followed closely behind michael as he led them outside to the spot where calum had parked his car. michael climbed onto the hood and patted the spot next to him where luke instantly sat. michael pulled luke against his chest and kissed luke's head.

both luke and michael were silent. both boys were mezmerized by the little details on the other. luke noticed that michael had a small eyebrow pericing and beautiful green eyes. even more beautiful than what he had dicribed them as in a previous letter.

michael noticed that when luke got embarassed or shy, he would drag his fingers through his hair. he also noticed the way he would constantly try to hide his scars underneath his suit sleeves. michael smiled at luke and took his hands in his own.

"you don't have to hide you scars around me luke." michael stated as he ran his thumb over the faint marks that peaked out from underneath luke's sleeves.

luke nodded and looked down at his own wrists. all the memories of all the times he screwed up flashed in front of him. luke sighed and pulled his sleeve up slightlly.

michael smiled and took on of his arms, placing a small kiss on each one of luke's scars. luke watched michael as he did what he did. a feeling of love and tender care ran through luke's vains as michael's lips were pressed against his skin.

"i admire every one of the scars luke." he stated. "they tell me that you were strong enough to make your way through the pain."

"what do you mean?" luke asked softly.

"well, you clearly thought that you were worth nothing luke, which can i tell you that you are most certainly not, but you stood through the pain. you didn't kill yourself luke. that is something a lot of teenagers do as a result to this. but you, you stood through it all and the fact that you have so many scars makes my heart melt because you are still here. you didn't give in luke. what isn't to love about that?"

luke smiled at michael and placed a small kiss on michael's lips. michael smiled against luke's and kissed back, wrapping his arms around the younger boy, promising that everything would be alright as long as luke was safe in his arms.

//hey hey i updated. yeah it's not that good, but i honestly like it. michael is such a sweetheart. where can i get a michael clifford? if this doesn't warm you heart then you must be heartless man. my friend who is homophobic read this and she started crying. alright i'll stop being annoying and let you get on with your day. merry christmas my beautiful gaybies. i hope all is going well! i love you all and wish you the best this season! (not really sure whose fanart that is, but give your wattpad name and i'll dedicate it to you)

-Courtney xx

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